"Again, I must apologize, Mr. Matwin. We'll let you know when and where you can see her, but I can't tell you anything more at this time."

"You'll let me know! Do you really think I'll just sit back and wait, let you do what you think you need to do, and do nothing myself while my woman is in danger? I'll start some action myself, and find her. I won't give up until she's safe again, with me."

"We'll keep you informed, Mr. Matwin. Good night." Malcolm hung up the telephone.

"Gut feeling?" Paul asked as he finished the last slice of pizza.

"Not much, really. It's hard, over the phone, but I did get a feeling of intense concern from him. He sounded very protective, so that's in his favor. However, if he's involved, he had plenty of time to work on his little 'concerned' act." Malcolm glanced at the phone as if he could see Kevin. "Charles talked about two other people who met Tanya, the Shoppe manager and the business associate. Paul, we need to find out all we can on both of them, and fast. Split the work with Joe."

Paul nodded, made a few notes, and popped open the third box. "Time for our snack since it's nearly midnight," he said with a grin. "And let's polish off that wine. Can't let it sit and go stale, now, can we?" Malcolm laughed.

The pie never made it to his mouth before the phone rang, startling both of them. Malcolm lifted the receiver and listened, then quietly hung up the phone.

"They've found Tanya's Fiat 1445. It had been driven off a cliff into deep brush, near Cannes. It looked more intentional, than accidental." He paused. "The gun used to shoot Edda was of the same make as that registered in Charles Aldrin's name." Malcolm stood, walked around the desk, and started out the door. There was work to be done. "The French and Italian police are looking for Charles Aldrin as a suspect in the attempted murder of Edda Milton. All airports, harbors, and railway stations have been alerted."

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