"Malcolm-" Judith hesitated. "Were the plans for these operations made a good deal in advance?" Again, she avoided his eyes.

"Long enough so we're all well prepared, if that's your concern," he said. "And much longer than a day or two ago-if that's your real question."

Judith still refused to meet his eyes. Her cheeks blazed red.

Malcolm stood taller than his six feet ten inches. "Agent Judith Abramson, you should know me better than that." Malcolm's voice was sharp, but there was a slight hint of hurt in it. "Much better than that."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Clark," she said, looking into his eyes at last. "But I had to be sure. And thank you."

They arrived at the Versifund Tower Building just as the meeting came to a close. Malcolm immediately walked into the conference room while a police officer took Mike Harrison aside and explained the planned strategy.

From across the room, Brian saw Judith standing in the corridor. He jumped from his chair and tried to go to her, but Malcolm held him back. "No, Brian. Judith is on assignment right now. You have to wait." Brian glowered at his brother and tried to yank his arm free. "Brian, I said no. I'll give her some time off later, but this is urgent. Sit down. We have to talk. Please."

Judith sat next to Jim, impersonating Brian in the back seat, laughing and joking, her M22316 at her feet. Carl, impersonating Mike pulled away from the building, followed a block away by a cruiser with two officers headed for Highway No. 165, the same road the limousine would take.

"Malcolm is pretty sure today's the day," Jim said to Judith with a big 'Brian' smile. "I'm not too fond of what I've heard can happen, but it looks like Malcolm covered all the bases."

"Tell me all you know," Judith said. "All I've heard is what Malcolm told me this morning."

"The idea is they'll think Mr. Miller's in this car. If not, then they'll think he's in the cruiser with his driver, and we're exactly what we are…a setup. There's a helicopter no more than ten minutes away from us at all times, though a hell of a lot can happen in ten minutes." Jim continued to smile and wave his hands as if he were telling Judith a huge joke.

"What's this hired killer's specialty?" Carl asked from the driver's seat.

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