"Good. I certainly wouldn't want a woman who was close to my age. But what do you want to do for your birthday? I could have Marta prepare a sumptuous dinner for you. Complete with pralines."

"And a movie? Could we watch a movie together?"

"Of course! What kind? Action, adventure, suspense…"

"No. A love story," she said. She sounded like a little girl, her eyes closed tight, her face pressed against his chest.

He laughed. "I should have known," he said, and lifted her face to kiss her mouth again.

* * *

Tanya felt like an excited child as her birthday arrived. She could hardly sleep the night before, wishing the hours away until she could be with Kevin again. He had a secret, something he hinted at and teased her with, but wouldn't tell her. Whatever it was, she had no doubt she would love it, if the suspense didn't kill her first.

She dumped half of her scented bath salts into the tub, sending waves of floral steam throughout the house, then pinned her long hair up and slid beneath the bubbles. She tried to relax, but her mind continued to betray her. She needed to be with Kevin and know his secret.

Her bath was far shorter than usual.

Tanya bound her hair into a twist at the back of her head, letting a few stray strands curl about her face and neck. She slipped a gauzy white cotton dress over her head and watched as the folds of her skirt skimmed the tops of her feet. The delicate lace at the neck framed her face while the glistening white of the fabric offset her deep tan. A touch of scent in the bend of her elbow, her usual pair of white sandals, and she was ready. She left to join Kevin.

"Close your eyes."

"Kevin! Is that all you have to say to me, after I tried so hard to look beautiful for you?"

"You never have to try to look beautiful for me. You always look beautiful to me. Now close your eyes."

Tanya complied. Kevin took her hand and led her to the middle of the dining room.

"Now," he said, sounding like a gleeful little boy. "Open your eyes now!"

A big, shiny easel stood alone in the middle of the room.

"Happy birthday, Tanya. I wish you the happiest twenty-fourth year of life."

Speechless, Tanya walked toward the easel. Her fingers ran down the frame, stroking the velvet feel of the wood. "Oh…" she said. "How very beautiful." Her hands felt along the edges and across the back, smoothing and stroking. "Oh, Kevin, it must have cost a fortune!"

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