Not that our interactions were bad, but she was almost never calm. With him, she stayed controlled and relaxed, easing his nerves about the cars behind us waiting to get by and stopping and correcting him without sounding brusque.

She was good with him and slid into her role with ease. I smiled to myself.

It was funny that I liked her being so calm with him while hoping she would never be that way with me.

Christian put the car in park and broke out in a huge smile. “I did it.”

I shot Easton an appreciative glance and turned to Christian.

“Good job.”

He shut off the car and took the keys out of the ignition. “Thanks,” he said quietly, handing me the keys.

He didn’t look at me, but it was a start.

After entering the shop and picking out a selection of macaroons and homemade marshmallows, we took our desserts and drinks to a small table perfect for watching clientele breezing in and out of the quiet atmosphere.

Easton had picked out some gelato, and I loosened my tie, drinking some coffee.

“I got an e-mail from your mother today,” Easton told Christian, and I narrowed my eyes, not realizing that they were in contact.

I didn’t know why I hadn’t thought of it. Of course Brynne would be in touch with all of Christian’s teachers to make sure she stayed abreast of his progress. I guess I had figured Christian was keeping her informed during their weekly video chats.

“She’s thrilled with your progress,” Easton went on. “We thought you might like to test for an AP class.”

Advanced placement?

“Really?” Christian’s eyebrows pinched together as he thought about it.

“Like an honors class?” I asked.

“Yes.” She nodded. “It would be with a different teacher and the class would be even more demanding, but I think he’d be challenged more.”

“You’re pretty challenging,” Christian retorted, and Easton laughed.

“Well,” she inched out. “It’s also about being with peers that challenge you. Braddock Autenberry has an excellent student body full of students that excel, but there are always a few who could use a more stimulating environment.”

Why hadn’t I known about this? I’d stayed up on all the social media groups and e-mails from all of his teachers. I may have been late to his soccer game, but I wasn’t dropping the ball on everything.

And it’s not like I hadn’t seen Easton. She’d had opportunities to tell me.

“Thanks.” Christian shook his head. “But I like being in classes with my friends, and I like your class. The activities are fun.”

She tried to hide her smile, but I could tell she liked hearing that. And I wasn’t so sure I wanted Christian out of her class.

Of course, if she were no longer his teacher, our relationship wouldn’t be such an issue, but I wasn’t willing to sacrifice a good teacher that made him happy just so I could have what I wanted. If I had to make the sacrifice, I would. But not him.

“You could just take the test,” Easton offered. “To see where you stand in case you change your mind.”

“Does my mom want that?” he asked.

Easton’s eye flashed to mine for a moment, and I knew she felt awkward talking about Christian’s mother as if my thoughts didn’t matter.

But I guess Christian had every right to trust his mother’s opinion more than mine.

“Your mother wants to see you reach your full potential,” she answered.

Christian sat silently for a moment, staring at the table as he chewed his macaroon.

And then he looked to me, his eyes thoughtful. “What do you want me to do?”

My eyebrows shot up, and I opened my mouth but nothing came out. He’d just asked for my opinion.

I searched my brain, trying to think of what he wanted me to say. Or maybe what my father would say.

This was an opportunity to not fail, so I struggled with what to tell him, because I honestly didn’t feel strongly about the advanced-placement class. He’d have a bright future no matter what classes he took. I only wanted him to know that he was free to choose, and in my eyes, I’d be okay with either choice.

I locked eyes with his and spoke with certainty. “I want you to do what you want,” I told him. “Just remember, you’re the only one who has to live with the decision, so whatever you decide, just have a good reason for it.”

And that was all I wanted him to learn. Bad decisions were made from either not thinking them through or for the wrong reason. As long as he had a good one, he’d feel confident about his choice.

He let out a breath and looked to his teacher. “I’ll do the test,” he told her. “Just to see what it says.”

“You did a good job today,” I told Christian, grabbing a couple of Gatorades out of the refrigerator and tossing him one.

I’d driven us back to the school tonight and watched while Easton got safely into her car and drove away. Bringing her home with me had been all too tempting, but it was impossible.

“Would you like to practice again tomorrow?” I asked. “Driving, I mean.”

He twisted the cap and turned away, heading out of the kitchen. “I’ll be busy.”


He was pulling away again.

I rounded the island. “You forgot you hated me for a little while today,” I reminded him.

He stopped and turned around, his eyes faltering as if he was trying hard to stay angry because his pride wouldn’t let him forgive.

“Come on,” I urged, brushing past him down the hallway. Copyright 2016 - 2025