"One goblet contained poisoned wine. And how my father answered my questions would determine which goblet he received."

—Fenris Vane

I use a bit of blood from my wrist to draw Fen's mark onto the floor. Hopefully, he will find us soon.

I wish I had a way to call Yami back to me as easily. I know he can't die as long as I live, but that doesn't mean he can't be hurt.

I close my eyes and try to meditate, try to reach out to Yami, but I'm too tired, sore and distracted to focus. Ace groans in his sleep, and I hurry to his side to check on him, but my medical skills are rudimentary at best. He needs a real healer, not a wanna be.

While I wait for the cavalry to arrive, I add wood to the hearth and stoke the fire back into life. We may have just nearly burned to death, but this room is cold. Ace is still breathing erratically, and I consider giving him more of my blood when Fen walks in, looking crisp around the edges but very much alive.

"I felt the mark calling me," he says, pulling me into an embrace. He is bloody, burned, and covered in smoke, but I don't care. I pull away just enough to kiss him. He pauses, startled for a moment, and then his hands tighten around me, one dipping to my lower back and the other rising to the base of my neck to pull me closer.

He tastes of smoke and that woodsy flavor that is all Fen, and as the kiss deepens I lose myself in it.

It ends too soon. There are bigger things that demand our attention, but as the space between us grows and the heat of his lips leaves me, I miss it. I miss him.

"What happened after the room collapsed?" I ask.

"We fought off the phoenix," he says. "It flew behind the castle. Next time I saw it, it was falling through the sky, out of control. After a moment, it seemed to catch itself, then it flew away, one of its legs twisted."

I breathe a sigh of relief, glad Yami stayed invisible to everyone, glad he won the battle with Riku and Oren.

Fen drops my hand and walks over to Ace, studying his wounds.

"He needs healers," I say. "I gave him blood and did the best I could with what I know, but it isn't much."

Fen looks up. "Your blood?"

"No," I say sarcastically. "I gave him the blood I carry around in my purse for special occasions. Yes, my blood. What else?"

Fen shakes his head. "He'll know who you are now."

I nod. "He does, but he won't say anything. I trust him."

Fen raises an eyebrow. He begins to speak, when Seri arrives. She wears the tight silver dress Asher picked out, but her feet are bare. She left the shoes behind to make haste. A leather bag full of herbs and potions hangs from her hip, and she immediately sets to working on Ace.

A few moments later, the remaining princes barge into the room. They argue amongst themselves, about the slaves, about the phoenix, their gruff voices carrying throughout the kitchen. Fen whistles loudly to shut them up.

They don't.

But when they see Ace lying on the table looking near death, they quiet. Levi, in particular, looks grief stricken. He walks over to Ace and caresses his forehead. "How is he?"

The keeper looks up, a strand of blue hair falling into her eyes. "Not good. He is alive, but his wounds are great, even for a Fallen. Only time will tell. Right now, I need to get him to the Infirmary."

Levi leans down and whispers into Ace's ear so softly I cannot hear the words. Then he kisses his brother on the forehead and turns to the others. "We must not let this go unpunished."

Zeb, Niam, Dean, and even Fen nod in agreement. Asher looks cautious. "The plan to free the slaves is still a fine one," he says.

"No," Fen says, rage burning in his eyes. "We go to war. The time for peace has passed."

My heart drops. Fen knows who I am. How can he want to attack the Fae? But then I look down at the lifeless Ace. And I remember, the Prince of War will fight and die for those he loves.


Ace is transported to the Infirmary at High Castle and left in the care of Seri, while the rest of us regroup in the throne room: a giant hall of white stone, barren, and full of echoes. The brothers make a plan. All of us will travel north, stopping at each realm, gathering forces. When the vampires hear of what befell Prince Ace, they join the army eagerly. Those who hesitate still owe allegiance to their lords. Our numbers grow. Hundreds. Thousands. After three days, we arrive at Stonehill, the castle closest to the Outlands. The castle from where the princes of hell will wage war.

The entire time, Baron stays by my side and searches for Yami. As we sit in my Stonehill room, the fireplace crackling, he whines and sniffs at my hair, as if the dragon is hiding there. I pat his head. "I know, boy. I know."

It seems being away from Yami is tearing us both apart. Perhaps Varis will know where my dragon went. What if he returned to High Castle but couldn't find me? What if he returned to the Crystal Palace and waits for me alone? The thoughts and questions twirl around in my mind until I can't think straight.

I'm grateful for the distraction when someone knocks on my door. "Come in."

Fen enters, and my heart does a little flip. It's so strange, how just the sight of him makes my body sigh with happiness, even in midst of war and fear.

I try not to think about how we can't be together.

How my destiny and his are entirely opposite.

How he wants war when I want peace.

How he has no desire to be king, and I must be queen of this kingdom and that of the Fae.

Instead, I take a deep breath and smile and pat the rug next to me, and he sits, his long body folding into the space as he presses against my side.

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