When we step on land, he growls at Asher, then wags his tail and licks my hand.

The Prince of Pride scowls. "Nasty beast."

I smack him in the arm. "Don't be cruel. He's the best wolf in the whole world, aren't you boy?"

Baron grins, licking Yami. The dragon flies on his back and rides the wolf all the way into the city.

"I've got some business in town, so I'll trust you can find your way," Asher says.

I nod. "Meet you in a bit."

As I walk through Stonehill, I run my hands over the crystals dripping from stone and trees. Burned buildings mark the landscape. In the distance, a great scar covers the land where a forest once stood. Villagers greet me with smiles and bows and soon word spreads that the princess is back. I smile and speak to everyone I can, but when I see Kayla, I stop. My heart skips. I don't know how she'll respond to me. We haven't seen each other since the night Daison died.

She jogs up to me and pulls me into her arms like a sister, and I nearly collapse from relief.

I sniff and wipe away a tear as she releases me. "I thought you'd hate me," I say.

"Never," she says. "We all make our choices. He made his, I made mine. If I had gone with you, many others would have died."

That's no easy comfort, but still, it eases something in me. "I'm so sorry, Kayla."

She takes my hand and leads me through the village to the memorial where so many were buried or burned. Daison wasn't buried, but a sword sticks in the ground under his favorite tree to commemorate his life. It is engraved with his name and the dates of his birth and death. I drop to the ground before it and water the earth with my tears.

Kayla joins me, and some time passes before we stand again, but when we do it is with lighter hearts.

"Thank you," I say to her after a time, as we head to the castle.

"No need. We did nothing wrong. The Fae brought this grief. And soon, we will have our revenge."

I feel a lump in my chest at her words, and I don't respond. How do I tell her that I am Fae, that I know their ways now? That I can't kill them anymore than I can kill vampires?

We pass Kayla's forge, where I made Spero with her assistance. "I could use some help," Kayla says. "You should come by later."

"I can't," I say. "But thank you."

She cocks her head, frowning. Can she tell I'm too afraid to pick up a hammer since Daison's death? That just being here, with memories of him everywhere, makes me itch?

A deep voice comes from behind me. "Glad I decided to come by," says Fen.

I turn and run into his arms.

Our embrace lingers for as long as I can allow. When I pull away, he is reluctant to let me go. "I don't have long," I say. "Asher is handling some business, then we are going to my world to visit Es. She's having her surgery."

Fen nods. "Wish her well for me. I liked her."

I smile up at me. "She liked you too."

Kayla walks up to us. "What brings you here, brother?"

"Preparations. How are the weapons?"

"Nearly done."

A girl with green hair walks out of the forge, carrying some tools that look recently cleaned. I recognize her. One of the Fae slaves I purchased to keep them away from Levi. She sees me and curtseys, her eyes guarded and cautious. "Min, this is Princess Arianna," Kayla says. "She was the one who—"

"I remember. She owns me," Min says with a challenge.

I smile. "That's true, but it is not the way I want it to be."

She snorts. "Words spoken by a slave owner."

Kayla sends her out for wood and apologizes to us. "She's sharp around the edges, but a hard worker with real talent for this. The rest of the slaves you purchased are also doing good work, have good homes."

"No need to apologize," I say, though I can tell Fen feels differently. I place a cautionary hand on his arm. "Min's been through a lot, no doubt. And she is still owned by another person, even if she's doing work she finds rewarding. I'd feel the same as her." I look up at Fen, with a firm expression on my face. "Wouldn't you feel the same in her position?" I ask, forcing empathy into his stubborn heart.

He grunts. "Very likely. Maybe."

Kayla laughs. "It's so good to see you here again, Ari. You're the only one who can penetrate his thick skull with sense."

I smile, looping my arm into Fen's. "Then I'll have to come around more often."

Kayla looks between the two of us. "There's something I need to tell you. Both of you. I'm going north with Salzar, to strike back at the Fae."

I squeeze Fen's arm. "I don't understand."

He sighs. "Salzar, one of my nobles, has been gathering a force to raid the Outlands. Many want vengeance for their lost families." He side-eyes Kayla. "And I am not one to deny them."

The Shade nods. "Thank you, Fen. I will have your order done before I leave. And Ari, I'm sorry I did not visit you in the Realm of Pride. There has been much work to do, but I hope to see you again soon. Now, go enjoy your time together." She kisses me on the cheek, then shoos us away and disappears into the forge.

I hold Fen's arm as we walk to the castle, Baron at my heel, Yami on the wolf's back. "You do not seem to support Salzar," I say.

Fen pinches his nose. "He has been a problem. I imprisoned him for a few days, hoping it would soothe his temper. But it only sharpened his rage. He stirred up a mob, gathered volunteers to raid the Outlands. I considered stopping him, but those people, the ones who would rather follow him than me, they are not the people I need in my realm right now. So I allowed one person per family to join Salzar. Let them raid. Let them satisfy their hatred. In the end, it helps us both."

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