Fen smiles and takes a seat next to me on the bed. "He's missed you too. Wouldn't stop whining for you in fact."

I smile. "Was he the only one missing me?"

Fen holds my eyes. "What happened to you, Ari? You scared me near to death when you disappeared."

I want to tell him everything. About the Fae, about his father, about the contract, but the moment I try to speak, physical pain grips my throat. I choke and Fen hands me a glass of water.

"I'm sorry," he says. "You've just been through a significant ordeal. I didn't mean to interrogate you. I'm just glad you're back, glad you're safe."

I let him think it's my recent injuries causing the pain, because I can't speak the truth. But there is something I can try. "Fen, what really happened with your father?"

He pauses.

"Did you find the killer?" I'm hoping to get to the truth, to get him to talk about the poisoning. Maybe I can lead him to answers without telling him outright, thus circumventing the contract rules.

"I've been pre-occupied," Fen says, avoiding my question. He puts a hand on my knee. "There have been more important matters."

I smile, holding his hand.

Yami yawns, waking up from a nap on my shoulder. He hops down and roams the room, and Baron gets up to explore this new creature, sniffing his black tail. Apparently the wolf can see the dragon. Interesting. Does Yami only hide himself from people?

"Ari…" Fen leans closer. "There is something I must tell you, but I struggle to find the words. I…" He looks away.

I touch his face, turning it back to mine, gazing into his blue eyes. The world fades, and there is nothing but us, but my hand on his skin, but the breath between us. "Tell me," I whisper.

His voice is warm and soft. "When you were taken, it felt like my heart was ripped out. I can't lose you again. I won't."

I choke on the tears I can't shed. I want to ask him so much. Does he know I am Fae? Does it matter to him? There is one thing I can say though, that no contract can stop. "Fen, I thought about you every moment I was gone. I missed you so much it hurt. I don't know what we're going to do. I don't know what the future holds for either of us. I don't know how to handle the fact you don't want to be king and I must pick and marry the next ruler. All I know is I can't be without you again. I won't. Somehow we must make this work."

He looks about to say something else, when Baron licks Yami, and the dragon makes a trilling sound and bounces up and down, his wings flapping. The two have made friends.

Fen frowns, looking confused. "Why's he licking the air? Did you get knocked on the head, boy?"

There's a knock on the door, and Asher walks in, carrying drinks for us all. Baron bares his teeth at the prince, and I remember how much he dislikes anyone but Fen and me. And apparently Yami. "I thought we might want something stronger than juice after slaying a water spirit," Asher says, pulling up a chair next to us.

We each take our cups and I sip at my drink, hoping it doesn't land me with another hangover like last time. It doesn't glow, so that's a good sign. "Is it really dead?" I ask. "The water spirit?"

Fen shakes his head. "The Spirits cannot be killed, not truly. Only injured. The best we can do is find the Water Druid. If she dies, Wadu will be forced to find another Keeper, to choose another Fae who is worthy. The spirit will be reborn, young again, weaker—for a time."

Asher nods. "I heard what the Fire Spirit did to your realm. My condolences, brother."

My eyes go wide. This is news to me. "What happened?"

Fen sighs. "Riku, the phoenix, burned our forests. We do not have the wood to rebuild Stonehill."

I remember Oren, the rage in his eyes, Riku the phoenix in his hand. I can almost feel the fire against my skin. "I’m sorry Fen."

The Prince of War grunts, looking at Asher. "You never told me, where did you find her?"

"In a village in the Outlands north of your realm," Asher says, lying with ease.

Fen studies me again. "And you weren't hurt?"

"No. I was held captive, but they weren't cruel to me."

"I felt you calling for me through the blood mark. I tried to find you, but it led to a dead end in a cave. An ancient door of some kind. Do you know of it?"

I look at Asher, unsure how to answer. I hate lying to anyone, but especially to Fen. It hurts more than any physical wounds ever will. "The Fae who captured me made camp in the cave for a while. They didn't seem to know what the door was either."

Baron howls and chases Yami around the room. I think the two are playing tag, and I stifle a laugh. Fen cocks his head. "I'll have to have him examined." He looks to Asher. "I'm going to need a room near Ari's, while she stays here."

I want nothing more than for Fen to stay, but Asher frowns. "Brother, your realm needs you now more than ever. And it is my turn with her. The others princes would frown on you being here. They would see it as an unfair advantage."

Fen bows his head. "I will need to see her again, Asher."

Asher nods. "I know, brother. I will make sure you do. But trust me to care for the princess. I won't let anything happen to her."

Fen stands, and I stand, not knowing what to do. Asher looks at both of us. "I have some business to attend to," he says. "The attack has caused damage I must help repair. Why don't you two say your goodbyes in private while I... attend to that business."

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