I grin humorlessly.

Durk grunts. "The kid's got a point."

Asher doesn't look as amused at the title, but he wisely says nothing. I fight a smile at anyone calling an immortal demon 'kid.'

Lucian leans back in his golden chair, sighing. "This will abate suspicion from your brothers…"

"And," Asher adds, "It will keep the Prince of War from bringing his sword down upon the Fae while we try to make peace."

Lucian nods once, sharply. "Very well. But we will need a blood oath."

I scowl. "I've already signed one of your contracts, demon."

Lucian chuckles. "Then you will have no problem signing another." So, that's where Asher gets his wit.

The Prince of Pride glances between me and his father, his eyes nervous. He touches my hand with his, then faces Lucian. "She will sign… under certain conditions. The contract will end when she becomes Queen, or at any point if you or I choose to dissolve it."

Lucian glares at us. "I may dissolve it. No one else."

"No." Asher squeezes my hand tighter. "Either of us. Me or you."

The King clenches his jaw, silent.

"Father, you are in hiding, presumed dead. It is smart leadership to delegate someone in your place should you be indisposed to make important decisions." Asher waits, his expression plain.

I can't read him. I can't read his father. They are both cold.

Madrid leans over the table and stares at Lucian. "We sided with you because you promised peace, but right now the Prince of War draws near because of the princess. So far, you're not proving to be as useful as you promised."

Lucian sighs. "Fine. Draft the contract."

Asher smirks. "Already done." He pulls out a scroll, similar to the one I signed to save my mother, from somewhere in his cloak. I'm not sure if I'm happy or upset he already had one prepared.

Asher makes a few changes.

The king takes it and reads through the archaic writing.

I grit my teeth. We'll see whether I'll sign or not, but I don't want to argue with Asher here, in front of the king. I don't want to give Lucian the satisfaction.

"Very well," the king says, handing the parchment back to Asher. "But she must also be presented before she returns to Inferna."

I bristle at the idea of being 'presented.' It didn't go so well for me last time.

"Only if she is chosen," Madrid says.

"Chosen?" I look around, waiting for someone to explain, but no one says anything until Asher winks at me.

"You'll find out tonight."

The king nods. "If you are all in agreement, then I will concede to these conditions. But she must bind herself now."

Madrid and Durk nod.

Asher hands me the contract and the same pen I bled into before. I take my time to read each word, making sure I understand what is being asked of me. I can tell the king is impatient and wants me to sign immediately, but he can wait.

I note the most important parts: I won't be allowed to discuss my, Asher's, or Lucian's involvement with the Fae. I won't be allowed to share my knowledge of the king and his true fate.

"I want my sword back," I say. "Write that in."

Asher is about to speak, but Lucian cuts him off. "Fine. I care not."

I sigh and continue to read. "I want something in here that guarantees the terms of my original contract will still be honored, and that nothing you ask of me now will jeopardize my mother's health or well-being. I will still be allowed to return home. She will still be safe and cared for no matter what."

Lucian growls. "One contract cannot negate another. The first is still in effect. Even if my idiot son gave too much leeway in rewriting it."

Asher's face doesn't even flinch at his father's vitriol.

I smile and hand the contract to Lucian. "Then it shouldn't be a problem to include that here. If you want my cooperation?"

Lucian doesn't look like he wants my cooperation. He looks as if he'd rather drain me of my blood and be done with it. But Asher takes the contract from him and makes the changes, then hands it back to me.

"What happens if I break this?" I ask.

"You can't," says Asher. "If you try, you will find you are unable."

"Unable how?"

Asher squints. "Let's just say there's pain involved. Lots of pain. But, that won't be an issue, will it, my dear?"

I cut my arm and fill the pen with my blood, and for the second time in a month, I make a deal with the devil.


Spero is returned to me, and I place her—yes, she's a she—against my bed. Three young Fae girls arrive to bathe and dress me. There's a large tub in the corner of my room, and it is filled with hot water, oils and flower petals. I step into it and luxuriate in the heat and heady scent, closing my eyes as I try to forget for a moment where I am and what I must do.

I think of Fen instead. Sometimes I feel him with me, but when I turn to look he's gone. I know it's just my imagination playing tricks, but it feels so real that my heart drops each time I lose him again.

I wish he and Baron were here right now. I'm nervous about the "choosing" and "presenting." I tried to pry more answers out of Asher, but he disappeared with the king and said I needed to get ready for tonight. Apparently there will be a crowd to witness whether or not I'm chosen.

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