“The hospital. We checked. They weren’t there. My guess is they’ll go far, far away before checkin’ in. They’re not stupid.”

“Fuck!” he barks. “Keep lookin’, we need to find them. They’ll bring re-enforcements and a biker club isn’t someone we want to fuck with.”

“And if we don’t find them?”

“We kill these fuckers and then I kill you. Now move – cover the airports while you’re at it. Leave nothin’ uncovered.”

“On it.”

I turn my eyes towards Krypt, and I know he’s thinking what I’m thinking.

We don’t have much time left.


2014 - Santana

It takes me a moment to register that someone is speaking to me. I open my eyes and through blurred vision I see a Mexican nurse. She’s speaking in faint, poor English, waving her arms around and asking me questions I can’t understand. I’m in a bed, and from the feel of it, my leg is tightly bandaged. I rub my eyes. Where’s Pippa? Where’s Mack?

“Leave,” a voice calls.

I turn to see Mack standing at the door, looking worse for wear.

“Mack,” I croak.

He comes closer, his hand going out to stroke my hair. “You’re okay, the bullet didn’t go in, but you had a serious gash. I know you need to recover, but we have to get the fuck outta here. I’ve got everything you need.”

“I understand,” I whisper. “Where’s Pippa?”

“She’s doin’ okay. Sweet kid. She’s been on a drip for twelve hours; given her some color back. She even ate some soup. She’s been in and out, checkin’ on you. They put a fair few stitches in your leg, so it’s goin’ to be sore. I’d love to leave you here, but I can’t risk it.”

“I know.”

He kisses my head, and then he leaves the room for about half an hour. In this time, the nurse helps me clean up and gives me some fresh clothes. I’ve no idea where she got them from; maybe Mack got some when I was out. I make my way down the hall with one hell of a limp. Mack is coming my way, with Pippa by his side.

At the sight of my sister, fresh tears spring to my eyes. Now she’s cleaned up, I can really see her. The blond hair that was ratty before is now brushed, but it’s still dull. Her blue eyes look too big for her face, she’s still a mass of skin and bones, but her cheeks are pink and she seems to have come out of her shock.

I reach for her and pull her into my arms, breathing her in, so grateful she’s alive. Fresh tears burst from my eyes and my body trembles. So long I’ve believed she was gone, and now here she is. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to you, Pippi,” I whisper. “God I’ve missed you. I thought...I thought...”

“I missed you too, Tana,” she croaks. “You were the only reason I kept fighting. They told me you were dead, but I didn’t believe it...I didn’t...”

I did.

I’d believed she was gone, yet she’d held hope for me. Guilt washes through me, but I don’t have time to think about it now. I have to figure out how to help Maddox and the guys. When we get home, if we get home, then I’ll tell Pippa everything but right now we don’t have the time.

“We’re together again now,” I croak. “It’s going to be okay.”

I keep my arms around her as we walk down the halls. Mack has a handful of pills, and a bag of food. He leads us out the front doors and to a car I don’t recognize.

“Where’s the car?”

“Got Tyke to change it over, they know what we’re drivin’. This might throw them off for a bit.”

Good idea.

The car is bigger, a massive SUV that has a good amount of backseat space. It’s been stocked with food, water and clothes. There’s a pillow each for Pippa and I, plus a big, warm blanket. Mack helps us into the car, and then climbs in the front, taking over the driving. Tyke can drive, but I know the time it took to get here has done some serious damage to his already sensitive legs.

“Are you okay?” he asks, turning and staring at us.

I nod. “I’m okay,” I whisper.

“And you,” he turns to Pippa.

She stares at him, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly agape. He gives her a smile, a warm smile that melts my heart. Her cheeks grow pink, but she is unable to answer.

“She’s okay,” I say for her.

He smiles and turns back to the front of the car. After a moment, his voice grows serious. “I called the club, they’re on their way.”

“How long are we lookin’?” Mack asks, pulling out onto the road.

I reach over and take Pippa’s hand. It’s late at night; I don’t know what hour. I’m not feeling any pain in my leg because of the strong meds, but that’ll wear off soon. I wasn’t happy about taking anything, but I was out of it and didn’t get a choice.

“They’ll be here in a few days.”

“How many?”

“The entire club and anyone else they’ve been able to rally. Maddox left instructions, he’s a smart fuckin’ man. He had plans organized, and weapons. We gotta be thankful he’s ahead of every situation.”

“What if we’re too late?” I whisper.

Mack doesn’t look at me, but I swear I see him flinch.

“We’re goin’ to do everything we can, but you’re goin’ to stay away when we do it.”

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