Iona leaned into him, loving his warmth, loving that she had the powerful Shiftertown leader to herself in her back hall, his jeans and underwear sagging around his ankles. He tugged her into the circle of one strong arm, holding her close as she stroked him.

Her hand slid easily up his shaft, the tip bumping her palm, his tight balls filling her hand when she reached the base again. Eric breathed raggedly as he held her, his fingers still hard on her wrist.

The music and noise went on in the other room, the stripper keeping the ladies’ attention. In the darkness of the hall, Iona indulged herself touching this incredible man. Eric’s body was tight with the power of him, his broad neck encircled by the Collar that gleamed in the dark.

Tall, sexy, strong Eric. Iona licked the tattoo on his arm as she kept stroking.

Eric tugged her sleeveless top upward, his hand on the warmth of her belly. He slid his fingers to her back and popped open her bra, then moved to cup and hold the warmth of one breast.

Now Iona groaned softly as Eric flicked his thumb over her nipple, bringing her to life as she had him.

This encounter was different from when he’d tackled her up on the ridge, pinning her with his warmth and strength. That had been exciting but playful, Eric teaching Iona that he could take her down anytime he wanted.

This was raw sex, nothing playful about it. Iona’s panther watched from within her, bemused by the human need for erotic touch. Iona the woman fastened her teeth on Eric’s neck above his Collar and sucked.

Eric’s moan was heartfelt. His hand moved hers faster on his cock, his hips pushing from the wall, rocking into her hand.

Iona sucked harder on his neck while she stroked him through her fist, knowing what was coming.

Eric shoved her away suddenly, and she looked up at him, startled, to find herself being flattened against the wall again. He curved over her, naked in her arms, his hips still moving, c**k thrusting through her closed fist.

“I want my seed on you,” he said savagely. “To mark you as mine. To keep you away from some stupid dancer dressed up like a fireman.”

Iona started to laugh. “I wasn’t…”

He silenced her with a kiss. The kiss was fierce, his mouth brutal, Eric biting her lips until she quieted. At the same time, his hips moved faster and faster, until he broke the kiss, his breathing hoarse.

Eric leaned one arm on the wall behind her, bracing himself to keep his weight from crushing her. His eyes flicked to Shifter as his head rocked back, and his seed shot out to land, scalding, all over Iona’s hand and her bared belly.

In the living room, the music cut off abruptly, followed by the women’s raucous cheers and laughter. Eric stifled his growls, but barely, as he came and came, holding Iona, his mouth landing on hers again.

Iona caught his tongue with hers, tasting his mouth, letting her teeth scrape his lips as his scraped hers. She held six feet six of shuddering male in her arms, his skin slick with sweat as his hot seed roped over her fingers.

Eric scooped Iona’s long hair back from her face, his kisses softening from fierce to tender. Iona’s heart ached as he took her lips in slow, openmouthed kisses, his eyes still that of his wildcat.

When the music started again, Eric raised his head, his face relaxed, touch warm. He started to speak, but Iona put her fingers to his lips.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she whispered.

He gave her a silent nod then rolled away from her to lean against the wall and catch his breath.

Iona almost lost her breath. Eric’s long, naked body reposed against her hallway wall, the sweat on his sun-bronzed skin glistening in the fingers of light from the living room. His jeans and underwear were crumpled around his ankles; they were the only stitch of clothing he wore.

His tattoo, black and sharp, wound down his arm, his navel a shadowed indentation on his flat stomach. Below his abdomen, his c**k hung, long and dark, still half-erect, damp from his coming.

Iona could look at him forever. Feast on me, he’d said. She had—with her touch, her tongue, and now her gaze. He’d let her take what she needed of him without asking anything in return.

“Iona!” Nicole shouted from the living room. “Get back in here. You have to see this!”

Iona was seeing plenty. She grinned at Eric, who half smiled back.

Eric leaned to grab his shirt from the floor, then used the shirt to wipe Iona’s hands and abdomen, then himself. He pulled up, zipped, and buckled his jeans, then he wadded the shirt in his hands.

“Clean up and go back to your sister’s party.” Eric kissed her, his mouth still hot, then turned to leave.

Iona’s heart pounded. “Wait.” She went to him where he paused near the back door. “Why have you been following me around?”

“Not following. Watching out for you.”

“You have a whole Shiftertown to watch out for.”

Eric stroked his hand through her hair, his touch strong. “I have family to help me look after Shiftertown. But I’m the only one who looks after you.”

“You don’t have to look after me.”

Eric kissed the line of her hair, then let her go. “Yes, I do.”

He was about to turn around again, walk out the back door, fade into the night. Iona caught his hand, for some reason not wanting him to go. “I was sent a set of the blueprints from the architect late this afternoon. I was going to call you.”

Eric stepped closer to her again. “I’ll come to your office tomorrow and show you what I need you to do.” Copyright 2016 - 2024