"I' the gun room, Mart'n--nay, I'll stand along wi' you."

So he brought me down to the gun room where sat Adam, elbows on table, chin on hand, peering up at one who stood before him in fetters, a haggard, warworn figure.

"What--Resolution?" said I.

"That same, friend, brought somewhat low, comrade, yet soon, it seems, to be exalted--on a gallows, d'ye see, yet constant in prayer, steadfast in faith and nowise repining--for where would be the use? And moreover, the way o' the Lord is my way--Amen, brother, and Amen."

"Adam," said I, turning where he yet gazed up at Resolution's scarred and bandaged face, "I would fain have you show mercy to this man. But for Resolution here I had died hideously at the hands of a vile blackamoor."

"Mercy?" said Adam, scowling up at Resolution.

"His life, Adam."

"'Tis forfeit! Here standeth a notable pirate and one of authority among the rogues, so must he surely die along with Captain Jo--" I saw Resolution's shackled hands clench suddenly, then he laughed, harsh and strident.

"To hang Captain Jo you must needs catch him first!"

"Why then who--who and what is Joanna?" I demanded.

"Why, your light-o'-love, for sure, friend, as we found along o' you on a lonely island, amigo."

"Resolution, you lie--"

"On a lonely island, camarado," says he again.

"Wait!" I muttered, clasping my aching head. "Wait! Joanna is the daughter of the murdered Governor of Santa Catalina who was left behind in the burning town and rescued by Indians, who, being Indians, were kind to her. But these Indians were killed by white men who took her, and, being white men, they used her ill all save one who was to her father and mother, sister and brother and his name Resolution. So she grew up a pirate among pirates, dressed, spoke and acted as they and rose to be great among them by reason of her quick wit and resolute spirit, and because of her quickness and subtle wit is called 'La Culebra' and for her desperate courage is hailed as 'Captain Jo.'"

Resolution fell back a step, staring on me amazed, and I saw his shackled fists were quivering. Then suddenly Adam rose and leaned forward across the table.

"Resolution Day," said he, "have you a memory for faces?"

I saw Resolution's solitary eye widen and dilate as it took in the man before him, the spare form, the keen, aquiline face with its black brows, white hair and mutilated ears.

"Captain--Adam Penfeather--o' the Brotherhood!"

"Ha!" quoth Adam, nodding grimly. "I see you know me! So, Resolution Day, I warn you to prepare to make your final exodus with Captain Jo--at sunset!"

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