Rachel started to squirm, so Catherin let her down and when she ran to him, Justin caught the child, swung her up high and then kissed her cheek. "I am so happy to see you, Lassie." He lifted her high again and made Rachel giggle. He hoped, but he hadn't expected it when Catherin walked to him. "I am happy to see you as well."

"I want...I mean, Anna said...I…," Catherin couldn't seem to get it out and looked to him for help.

"I will not deny you."

His words gave her the courage she needed. "I want to hear your heart."

He set Rachel down and opened his arms. She was hesitant, but she timidly moved into his arms and put her ear to his chest. He wasn't sure if he should, but he softly wrapped his arms around her. She didn't stay long, but it was enough for both of them. It was a beginning.

"I will build you a cottage anywhere you like." Justin picked Rachel back up and turned them toward the Keep. "Athena will be glad to see you and she will..."

Thomas and Clymer each grabbed one of Harold's arms and began to walk him toward the bridge. Each demanded to know exactly how he got in this time.

Kevin hadn't taken his eyes off his wife. He knew she was terrified, so he waited. When she finally looked at him, he thought of his shoe problem. He smiled, pointed to the foot with the shoe and then to the one without.

She returned his smile, but she was trembling when she slowly started toward him. Where had all her courage gone? She was still a good ten feet away when she stopped.

"I love you," he said.

"Do you?"

"I have loved you for years."

She nervously giggled and then she grew deadly serious. "I must know..."

"Anything, you may ask me anything."

"Are you going to have your lads hold me down?"

"Anna, my lads would never do such a thing. They would rather cut out my heart." He wanted to reach out to her so badly it hurt. Still, he waited. "Did your father's lads hold you down?"

"No, just my mother. I saw it start once, but when she screamed, I ran away. I have been so ashamed of not helping her." A tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it away.

"Would you like me to hold you?" Suddenly, she ran into his arms. He wanted to comfort her, but she wanted to be kissed, so he lowered his lips to hers and remembered to be gentle and loving.

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