"Dude, check it out." He proudly pimped back over to Jayden nudging him on the arm as he shared the instant pictures' display with him. Jayden looked down and forced a smile between his teeth and through tight lips that formed a crooked line that somewhat resembled a crooked smile.

"Nice man… for the thousandth time. Damn how many pics you gonna snag?" He asked guardedly hoping his good friend wouldn't pick up on his jealousy.

"Don't be jealous man; I still love ya…" Avery shot back with a proud smile as he threw a punch into Jayden's left shoulder causing him to almost lose his paper plate of cake and ice cream.

"Yea man; I'm jealous of a six year old." He said attempting to feign sarcasm as his right leg unexpectedly shot out catching Avery in the backside to return his earlier thrown punch.

"Ouch…" They laughed together as Avery sat down beside his friend of fifteen years. He tucked his small digital camera into his upper left red, blue and black plaid shirt pocket. Then he grabbed his own plate of ice cream and cake that set nearby on his earlier vacated seat.

"Hey man 'Nita got a friend she wanna hook up; you down?" He asked between gulps of cake and ice cream.

"I pass… Not looking for complications…"

Dude you are a complication." Avery teased.

"What's wrong with her?" Jayden pried ignoring Avery's comment. He was always leery of women who wanted to 'hook men up' with their boyfriends' friends.

"She's decent… Nice grill and her mug-shots aren't bad either." He replied referring to her teeth and face. Jayden laughed.

"What about the body?" Jayden hedged.

"What do you care? Knowing you; you just wanna hit it and quit it.

"Did you tell her that?" Jayden asked chomping down on another bite of cake and ice cream.

"Man I ain't studying you… You're confused." Avery said dismissing his question. Besides, it's banging… All of the usual parts in the right places." He replied referring to the young lady's body.

"Yea well… Still not looking for a reason to complicate my life." Jayden commented humping his shoulders together as if he were indifferent about meeting her. The two friends continued watching the children playing some birthday games.

"Whatever… you interested or what? Maybe we can do a lil' som'thing-som'thing… for your birthday… Catch a comedy show." Avery added. He knew that Jayden wasn't big on birthdays and always liked to spend the day alone.

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