"They've got me working on that patent infringement case; you know how that is." He said untying his tie and then unbuttoning his shirt. Louise was instantly drawn out of her private thoughts.

"Hungry? I left you a plate out; it's in the oven." Louise attempted to sit up in her weakened state. She swayed a little to the right when a bout of dizziness came over her.

"No-no… don't get up…" He cautioned. Her chemo-therapy was literally sucking all of the life out of her body. Jacob grinded his teeth in agony, thinking how much his wife was suffering and not being able to ease it. She was prone to dizzy spells and he didn't want her getting up and possible falling; hurting herself even more.

"I'm not hungry; I grabbed a sandwich on the way home." He lied as he rushed by his wife's side and helped her back in bed. He could see that she could hardly focus her eyes and his heart bled for her. She didn't even look like half the woman of her former self. Louise reached up holding her head steady, as a dizzy spell sent the room spinning round and round. Even her breathing became laborious with that small exertion of energy that she used attempting to get out of bed.

"Rest honey… Don't worry about me and the kids… I'll handle it." He said while stroking her arm and providing her a small measure of comfort. For the first time since the kids had left for college, he was happy that they weren't at home. It would be hard for them to concentrate on school knowing and watching their mom wasting away like this.

"Did you take your medicine?" He asked searching out her pill box that always set on the nightstand on her side of the bed. Louise had the good since to look sheepish. Jacob smiled at his wife. He knew that the drugs made her sick, thus she was prone to skipping a round or two. Smiling she shook her head weakly.

"I forgot." She said knowing her husband didn't believe her. Trying to sit up again she reached for her pill box. Jacob stayed her back down.

"I'll get it." He quietly told her as he got up. He went over to the small fridge that they had in the room that contained juices, water, light snacks and some of her medicine and supplemental nutrition. He took out a six ounce can of Ensure Plus. It was a nutritional drink specifically formulated to help increase weight gain.

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