"So what's going on with a new ride?" Jacob cajoled the teens in a polite conversation per their usual with their frequent transactions.

"Of- it's nothing definite…" Jayden hedged as they completed the sale.

"No? Well it's always nice to think about; that first ride- freedom." He said reminiscing about his own.

"Mom! Mom here…" Dinah called out waving her mother over to the juice stand where they were.

"Did you remember…?" She started but was soon interrupted.

"Blueberry muffin and apple juice…" Jacob completed as they shared a smile. Jayden couldn't help cringing at their actions. He couldn't help but thinking that man must have loved that woman's dirty drawers to make him forget about his own kid like this. It made him sick to his stomach thinking that a woman could wield so much power over a man that he could ignore and forget his own child. Jayden subconsciously swore that no woman would ever have that kind of power and control over him. How could a man not take care of his own kid but yet be so good to another man's kids? He would never be bitched-up by a woman. He would never love a woman this deeply he thought.

"Somebody's missing… your son what was his name?" Jayden boldly asked giving him a glare. Jacob shot him a surprised look. Was that a twinge of resentment he saw briefly flashing in the young teen's eyes? Jacob shrugged it off believing it was the angling of the sunlight.

"Yea… yea… Markus… He's away at college now…Stanford." Jacob boastfully offered.

"Stanford… Hmm, must be proud…" Jayden responded attempting to sound indifferent.

"What can I say… he's a chip off the old block..." Jacob said popping his collar at the youth while being all ears. His smile was just that broad- from ear-to-ear.

"Jacob we're going to be late…" Louise interrupted reminding him. She knew her husband was quite fond of the teen boys. She knew that he enjoyed seeing young black teens especially boys doing something positive; therefore he was an avid customer of theirs and bought from them to encourage their productiveness, entrepreneurism and creativity.

It kind of pinched a nerve with her when comparing their ambitiousness with her own children's lack of responsibility. However if she had to be honest with herself, Louise had to admit that she was always worrying that seeing those teens would make him long to find and get to know the son he had given up for her behalf. She knew that her ultimatum was harsh, cruel and unfair and that she was more than a little selfish. Nonetheless, when it came to her own children she didn't want to see them becoming attached to another man only to have their hearts ripped out if and when he may decide to leave. Furthermore, she didn't want him showing partiality to his own child making hers feel less than. She would just have to deal with her dastardly sin with God, just like Jacob would have to for making the choice in leaving him behind.

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