"Mom, we need you hear…" The Paramedic said as he could see that he was losing her again.

"We've got a pulse…" The other Paramedic abruptly announced. Soon his words were followed by the soft coughs of Jayden as he gasped for air. Marla was quickly on her knees and by her son's side in tears. She reached for him but the other Medic held her back so that she wouldn't interrupt his treatment.

"Okay let's get him transported to the hospital for some tests and observation." They explained as they prepared to transport.

"Thank you Jesus…" She whispered with a shaky voice as she climbed into the back of the ambulance with her son and they rode off to the hospital.

* * * * * * *

"Congratulations, Jacob Ellis you are now the proud father of Markus James and Dinah Lynn Jacob." The Judge was the first to congratulate him on the finalizing adoption of his two step children.

"Congratulations father," Louise smiled at her husband with a soft peck on the cheek. "It's official; we're now one big happy family." She beamed as they walked out of the courthouse and to their car. Abruptly his cell phone rang. He looked down and recognized Marla's number.

"Who is it honey?" Louise asked.

Jacob's grimaced before clearing his throat.

"Ahem… It's nobody… C'mon honey, let's pick up the kids and celebrate." He responded as he turned his cell phone off and slipped it back into his pocket.

* * * * * * *

"Whew, I'm beat…" Louise complained as she carried a sleeping Dinah over her shoulders.

"Yup I think you overdid it on the jungle gym with the kids…" Jacob teased her as he followed behind carrying a sleepy Markus in his arms. The little boy snuggled up tightly in his arms and under the crook of his neck.

"Ha, you should talk Mr. Swimming champ in the pool of balls." She teased back as they made their way into the condo with the tired children.

"Ah man I think I threw out my shoulder on that backstroke motion." He said grimacing a bit as he favored his sore left shoulder.

"Ah, poor baby…" She consoled him walking upstairs to the children's room and then said, "I think they had more fun than they ever had."

"Markus and I are going to take a bath." Jacob informed her as he detoured in the opposite direction heading for the bathroom. "He just had an accident all over me." He informed her as he recognized that his son had peed on him.

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