"Hmm, I don't know… today is special…" The older man volunteered making small chit-chat with the teen per his usual.

"Oh what's up?" Jayden responded already learning the value of creating a good rapport with customers for repeat business.

"Dad… Dad…" A scrawny but tall young teen who looked to be a couple of years older than Jayden called out attracting Mr. Ellis's attention momentarily.

"Find it?" Mr. Ellis asked smiling at his son as he jogged to catch up to him.

"Yup, it was in the back under the seat." The kid answered as he tossed a baseball up in the air catching it with a gloved hand.

"Want something to eat or drink?" Mr. Ellis asked the kid. The teen looked at Jayden and quickly realized that the boys were out there selling to make money. He grinned a little to himself and then wrinkled up his nose in a slightly cocky manner. Jayden could tell by his demeanor that he was looking down at them. Jayden hated to admit it, but the boy's demeanor, dress and attitude did leave him with a sense of being slightly inferior to him. Maybe it was because he had never really thought about Mr. Ellis having children and seeing his son only made Jayden realize the nature of their relationship- business. He scoffed off those unwanted feelings.

"Hmm… No thanks… We can get some Maxwell's polishes downtown, right dad?" The kid asked a little possessively while eyeing Jayden's reaction. Jayden couldn't help but dropping his eyes at the mention of dad. It was clear that the boy was letting him know that that was his dad.

"Sure we can… but let's get something for the long ride… Besides we have to support the little businessman too." He encouraged his son while squeezing him in the crook of his neck.

"Hmm, gimme a couple of Honey buns then…" Mr. Ellis said to Jayden.

"I'll take a cinnamon roll and an ice tea…" His son reluctantly gave in as he subconsciously licked at his lips imagining how good the roll would taste.

"Two fifty…" Jayden said tallying up the order quickly.

"Lemme get a water to go." Mr. Ellis added belatedly.

"Yes sir… Three-fifty." He said tacking on the extra dollar for the water. Mr. Ellis passed him four singles.

"Keep the change… C'mon Markus the train is coming" Mr. Ellis said as the sound of the bell from the approaching train could be heard.

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