"Oh Jayden's father couldn't make it today due to a family's emergency." She softly lied attempting to cover up for her son's embarrassment and wounded pride.

"Ah man, your dad never comes…" Bryant observed innocently. "Guess you'll never be able to join our father and son basketball team." He further noted. His comments seemed to have hit Jayden in the gut as his head sunk even lower at his words.

"Bryant…" His father called out, chastising him. It was obvious that Mr. Thomas felt awkward at his son's words.

"Bryant I'm sure Jayden's father would be here if he could. I know how work can be…" He said for Marla's sake trying to save her face. She offered him a weak smile and nodded. She knew that without having to explain, he already understood the situation.

"Sure, it'll be okay if Jayden goes… You don't mind if I tag along too?" She asked.

"Are you kidding? With a truckload of kids, I'm sure I'm going to need more chaperones." He joked and soon they headed out of the graduation hall for their celebratory party.

* * * * * * *

"Mom?" Jayden called out in the semi dark minivan as he and his mom made their way back home from the graduation party. It was just past seven in the evening and the sun was setting now. Marla was surprised to hear his voice. With the quietness in the air, she thought he was fast asleep in the back.

"Yea?" She responded looking in the rearview mirror at her son sitting in his car seat.

"Why come I don't have a daddy?" He softly asked. Marla gulped at the air. She was speechless; not that his question shocked her- but rather because she had no answer for her son. His question left a dry and bitter taste in her mouth. This was her fault she couldn't help but thinking guiltily. If only she had known better. If only she had been better prepared in choosing a better quality of man for her child; maybe Jayden would have had a better father. Why didn't men come with signs posted on their foreheads that one could easily identify? They didn't have to be big signs; little ones would do. As a matter of fact; they could be little tattooed letters of "D" for deadbeat dad or "F" for faithful father. That way, women wouldn't waste time and effort on useless men. Why hadn't she known any better; why couldn't she have been born with wisdom when it came to picking out a good BMW as father material?

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