"But dad, practice doesn't start until ten a. m." He protested groping around for his uniform that was somewhere hidden under his bed.

"That's when everybody else's practice starts. You're not everybody else; you're better." He stated to his son as he gave him a thumb up leaving him to get dressed. He knew that it would take him at least thirty minutes to get ready.

"That boy…" he proudly mumbled under his breath unable to contain the easy smile that his face broke into thinking about his children. He had finally given up hopes of having any more children. He had come to the realization himself to accept the fact that he could no longer father any more children. After years of trying to get pregnant with failed after failed attempts he decided that from now on Markus and Dinah were his only children by the love of his life and that would have to be enough.

After making a quick detour to the kitchen for a bottle of orange juice, Jacob then headed to his office to make a couple of business calls while Markus got dressed. Sitting at his desk he opened his drawer and then that's when he saw the postmarked envelope that was addressed to him from Marla.

"What she want?" He asked under his breath as he grimaced. He had meant to open it the day it had arrived, but that was the day that Dinah had her piano recital. He smiled reminiscing about her playing Three Blind Mice. She had missed three small notes, but still her playing was delightful he had thought. She was so adorable he thought as his eyes involuntarily were drawn to the picture on his desk. She was sitting in front of the piano looking as if she were in deep thought as she played Chopsticks. She looked so much like Louise until his heart couldn't help but melting every time he saw her.

"What does she want?" He mumbled as he returned his thoughts back to the envelope. He hastily ripped opened the envelope. Once opened he quickly scanned the ticket and saw that it was a ticket for Jayden's kindergarten graduation today.

"Hmm…" He said as he then took the ticket and stuffed it back into the envelope and threw it away into his wastebasket underneath his desk. He then pulled out his personal telephone book thumbing through it until he had reached the page he was looking for. He then picked up the phone dialing a number.

"Hello Harold… Jacob Ellis… I wanted to setup an appointment for us to do your deposition…" He stated over the phone, already dismissing Jayden's kindergarten's graduation and moving onto more important matters.

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