"Well of… you see…" She struggled with trying to explain the situation herself. "Ahem…" She cleared her throat and she could feel the small bead of perspiration on her forehead beginning to form.

"Ahem… Well you see it seems… of… why don't you call him?" She said surprising herself with that stupid suggestion. Call him, where would she get the number? She wouldn't even know where to begin to look for him not even in the daylight with a flashlight.

"Can I?" Jayden beamed at the idea and Marla breathed a short sigh of relief. Maybe she could go over to Jacob's mother's house. Mrs. Ellis still lived on Winchester Ave and it wasn't like Marla didn't know how to get there. Maybe things had changed; maybe they would be more receptive to seeing Jayden after the passage of so much time. Maybe if she let Jayden try, maybe Jacob would have a change in heart towards his son.

"Well we can try…" She said trying not to sound positive.

"Really? Really? I can talk to him? I can meet him?" Jayden spirits lifted at the thought of having an actual dad. What did he look like? How did he sound? What did he do? Where did he live? How tall was he? Did Jayden have any brothers and sister? Did he look like him? So many questions entered his young mind that soon, Jayden had exhausted himself and was now curled up in his car seat fast asleep.

* * * * * * * * *

Jacob and Louise were sitting nervously inside the doctor's office waiting for their recent test results. They had the last two years trying to conceive with no results. As a last result, reluctantly Louise had allowed Jacob to make the appointment for them to see an infertility specialist. This way they could determine if either of them had any medical problems that would prevent them from having children. Abruptly Jacob got up pacing the white tiled floor and randomly stopping to briefly read some of the many health charts displayed in the room.

"Nervous?" Louise inquired as he stood off to the side with his hands stuffed into his pockets. She knew that he was too anxious to be seriously reading the charts.

"What makes you think that?" He retorted attempting to keep a composed demeanor. A small shy smile slipped across Louise's face as she watched her husband.

"Oh I don't know… Maybe it's the way that you keep grinding your teeth. You only do that when you're thinking about something or are nervous." She told her husband as she stood and then walked over to him closing the distance between them. Jacob smiled at her sudden appearance by his side. He took her into the folds of his arms, snuggling her closely to his body. He kissed the top of her head.

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