Marla didn't say anything. She neither objected nor approved of the ruling for child support and health insurance. She was happy that he had admitted paternity of Jayden. Maybe things would be different but she doubted it judging by his attitude and admissions. She could only hope that maybe he would show a little interest in his child.

"Now that we've settled child support and health insurance let's discuss visitation." The judge said moving through the case as quickly as possible. It was approaching one in the afternoon. It was nearly time for the court's hour long lunch break.

"Any objections to Mr. Ellis seeing his son?" The Judge addressed Marla.

"No sir, I've never had any objections to him seeing his son. He's welcomed to see him any time he wants." Marla told the court truthfully. She had always prayed and hoped that Jacob would have a change in heart and seek out getting to know his son. However after almost two years, he still hadn't attempted to make contact or see Jayden.

Suddenly she was again drawn back to when Jayden had made one month old and her aunt felt the need to take the baby over to Jacob's side of the family. Truth was Marla was happy that her aunt had intervened and decided to dress Jayden up and take him over to meet his paternal family. She had been secretly hoping that when they saw him they would instantly fall in love and it would open their hearts up to receiving him. How disappointed had she been when Aunt She fought away those memories again.

Today in court Marla had been given another rude awakening to the harsh reality of life. As much as she was still in shock that a man could be so indifferent to his own flesh and blood; she was even more in shock at the little pittance and regard that the judicial system had for the children who were at its mercy. How in the world could they seriously expect the custodial parent to be able to take care of a child's basic needs with such an insulting award? However her anger was more directed at the worthless parents who forced custodial parents into no other recourse but to pursue legal actions against them.

After today she was convicted that with him still showing little interest in his son- that Aunt Shirley's words over a year ago were still valid when she said: "Forget it… You can just forget about him from now on. From now on this is your baby…" She held back her renewed tears and swallowed her pain again as she breathed a sigh of relief as they wrapped up with the court clerk and set in motions the paperwork that was needed to establish Jacob as the father of Jayden and to start child support payments. Silently she prayed that hopefully this could be the beginning of a loving father and son relationship. Meanwhile, she would focus on raising Jayden as best she could, work and completing her nursing degree. After this time it would all be up to Jacob; she would accept it if Jacob wanted to break all ties to not only her but also his son. She would give him the peace and freedom he so badly desired. She would walk away and never again bother him about seeing his son or a dime of child support. Copyright 2016 - 2024