"Now that we've settled the matter of the child's paternity let's address support and healthcare." Marla was a little shocked by hearing this. She hadn't been seeking support or healthcare considering she had a job that provided adequate healthcare. Before she knew it she spoke up.

"Your honor…" She said getting the Judge's attention. "I was only attempting to establish the paternity of my son, I wasn't requesting child support. I'm working and I have health insurance already." She explained.

"Ms. Townsend child support is automatically addressed along with visitation rights once a paternity case is filed." He promptly explained as he continued the case.

"Your honor…" Jacob now interrupted the Judge understanding what was about to happen.

"Yes Mr. Ellis…"

"I'm not working and I just got married…" He smugly explained while glaring at Marla.

"Ah…" Marla gasped involuntarily and then covered her mouth. She heard his words and tried hard to control her surprise at hearing his admission. Did he just say married? Were their children and were they his she pondered. Marla was shocked but now was not the time to lose focus. She stopped her musing and returned her attention back to the court.

"Can you afford thirty dollars a week?" The Judge was asking Jacob.

"Nope I can't." He replied unapologetically. The Judge eyebrows arched slightly as he slightly lowered his eyes as if he were taking Jacob's demeanor into consideration. Marla thought about it and if a person was judging Jacob based on his clothes and demeanor alone he did look as if he could easily afford that meager amount. She resisted the urge to shake her head disapprovingly as she held by tears glistening in her eyes. She couldn't be sure if she was angry and upset at this debauchery of parenthood or finding out that Jacob had gotten married. The judge was undaunted by his reply. Clearing his throat he continued.

"C'mon Mr. Ellis, you've got to be getting income from somewhere? How do you take care of your wife? You've got kids?" The Judge probed.

"Yup… Two…" Marla felt a little dizzy hearing him say that he was taking care of another woman's children yet trying to wiggle out of doing the right thing by his own child. She couldn't help herself; before she knew it she had turned icy eyes on him with murder in her eyes.

"Ahem… Twenty-five dollars?" The Judge continued shaking his own head in disgust.

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