"It's okay Jayden, it's not required that you have all of the answers or know what to do all of the times. It's okay." She reassured him and then leaned her head back against him and they quietly sat there absorbing the news about his father.

* * * * * * *

Jayden and Mia agreed that she would drive him to the nursing home considering that he was too nervous and uptight to drive himself. She would wait in the car and they would see how things went from there. Arriving at the nursing home, Jayden was led to his father's room with the nurse, his doctor and the consulting neurologist.

"Morning Mr. Ellis you have a visitor?" His doctor announced and Jayden felt his heart sinking to the bottom of his feet with dread.

"Go on…" the nurse indicated as she slightly nudged him forward from behind her. Jayden slowly walked around her as he could feel his father's eyes on him trying to see who he was.

"Do you recognize him?" the doctor asked. Jayden slowly lifted up his eyes meeting his father's gaze. It was evident that he didn't think that Jayden was Markus this time, but he wasn't sure who he was.

"He's not my son Markus…" He said standing up and moving a little closer for a better examination.

"That's right… He's not your son Markus but the two of you have spent quite a lot of time together these last six or seven months." The nurse informed him.

"We have?" Mr. Ellis asked sounding surprised to hear that.

"Yup, he's been visiting you pretty regular making sure you ate and took your medicine." She furthered explained while the doctors observed and took more notes.

"His name?" Mr. Ellis asked, and Jayden couldn't stop the trembling that started in his bones infiltrating his entire being. Would he remember his name?

"Townsend… Jayden Townsend…" the nurse repeated and Jacob's eyes dilated with recognition. He staggered slightly at hearing his name as his eyes involuntarily closed and he swayed backward causing the nurse assistant and nurse to run reaching out to catch him before he hit the floor.

"Mr. Ellis… Mr. Ellis…" they called out his name as he turned white as a ghost from hearing the name of his biological son.

"Do you mind… step outside for a moment…" The doctor instructed Jayden as they could tell that his presence greatly disturbed the elder man. Jayden nodded his head and quietly left the room. He was actually more than happy to leave considering that by the man's reaction he knew who he was.

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