That got him to thinking, while he had been so focused on his father's rejecting him; he had totally missed that his mother had found him so worthwhile and important in her life that she had sacrificed so much giving him the best that she could to the point of denying herself. He thought about all the times she would participate in all of his school's functions, sending him to a private school, helping and teaching him the basics about business, buying him his first car and without her support would he have come up with the money to go into business? Mia made him see how important he was to someone and that's what mattered most. It didn't matter who loved him as long as he knew that he was loved and wanted by somebody.

"You know I've never looked at things from that perspective before. I guess we do tend to focus on what we don't have instead of focusing on what we do." He said with better understanding.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm glad that Mr. Ellis is your father." She told him. Jayden paused his steps at her words. He turned a confused gaze to her. She smiled and then reached up circling her arms around him.

"I'm so glad that you were here on earth and I got to meet you Jayden Townsend. And none of this would have been possible had your mom not met up with Mr. Ellis. I'm so very grateful to him, that I have to go back with you again and tell him thanks for making you." Jayden's eyes got misty. He had found someone else in this world who also found worthiness in him. Someone else wanted him and that made him want to cry. He wrapped his arms around her and they held each other in a warm embrace; just holding and comforting each other.

* * * * * ** *

By the time that they had walked back to where everyone was gathered, the people were playing a variety of games.

"Ooh Twister… hurry…" Jayden said as he grabbed Mia by the hand and took off running.

"We've got next…" He called out as he watched Nita and Avery taking on some of Nita's cousins. Before they had a chance to wait long, the other couple was falling down.

"We win! We win!" Nita exclaimed jumping up and down and giving Avery a hug.

"We next…" Jayden said while walking up and taking the eliminated couple's place.

Jayden and Mia made one team while Nita and Avery made the other team. Copyright 2016 - 2024