"How do you know that?" She was surprised to hear him asking a question like that. She still wasn't ready to tell him about Skip. She was stalling for time.

"Cuz I called and Skip had your phone." He finally broke down and told her he had called.

"What? Skip never mentioned that." Then suddenly Mia replayed the night before inside of her head. Suddenly she remembered her father asking to take her phone. So that's what that was about. Mia smiled at her father. Bless his heart for always interfering in her life.

"Oh… I guess that's because my father knows and trust Skip." She told him truthfully.

"You mean to tell me that that old dude agreed to your six month rule and meeting your father?"

"It was a piece of cake for him." She hid her giggles in order to keep him from growing suspicious.

"So how long's it been?" Jayden asked with irritation. He was wondering if Skip's six months were almost up and if so… he didn't even want to think about the what ifs.

"Why do you care? Didn't you go on one of your random booty calls that night?"

"What? Booty call? What the hell are you talking about?" He asked trying to figure out what had happened that night.

"All I know is; that Avery came back that night and said you got a call and had to go take care of some business." She emphasized 'business' in a slur kind of a way.

"Ah, is that what this is about… You think I went out on a booty call that night so you decided tick-for-tack."

"If you say so… If you think I would play myself cheat like that."

"What, you mean that you weren't with Skip? Then why does he have your phone?" Jayden couldn't believe how happy he was to hear that Mia hadn't spent the night with Skip. He was happy to know that maybe he still had a chance.

"There's a reason and you don't have to know it yet." She stated. "But what about you and your booty calls? I thought that after you had taken the HIV test that you were serious about things."

"No matter what I say, you're not going to believe that I didn't go out and pick up somebody that night."

"Well, we do know you M.O. It's going to be hard for you to prove without having any witnesses." Suddenly it occurred to Jayden that that night at the nursing home he had signed in with date and time of arrival and departure.

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