"Who wants to know?"

"Just answer the damn question… Is this Mia's phone?"

"Who wants to know?" Skip had a sneaky suspicion that it was the Duke and he couldn't miss this opportunity to have some fun with him.

"Is this Skip?" Jayden's heart stopped as he began recognizing the voice.

"Who is this?"

"Skip! What the fuck you doing answering Mia's phone? Where is she? Does her father know about this? Put Mia on the phone right now!" Jayden ordered. He was irate. What the hell was Skip doing answering her phone at one o'clock in the fucking morning?

"Hello? Hello? Hello? What the fuck? Did that bitch just hang up on me?"

Jayden pushed the select button and then redialed the number. It rang; and rang again. Jayden waited. His fingers involuntarily began strumming against the steering wheel. It rang again.

"What the fuck?" He was now past irate and was seeing red.

"Put Mia on the phone…" He screamed into the voicemail. Click suddenly went the line. He redialed the phone; voicemail again.

"Why you playing on the phone? Why you playing man? This could be an emergency" He flipped the phone down disconnecting the call again. Jayden was frustrated. Why wasn't Mia answering her phone? He tried again.

"Damn voicemail."

"Quit playing… You too old to be playing man" click the phone went. He redialed again; voicemail.

"Hello… Hello… Can you hear me, now? Hello… Can you hear me now?" He started sounding like a broken record, but he wasn't ready to give up as he hung up and then redialed again.

"Mia… Mia… Mia… Mia… pick up the phone girl… Pick up" click and he redialed yet again.

"Does your daddy know where you are? I'm telling" Jayden screamed into the phone. He wished that Mia would pick up the phone.

"Damn…" he swore under his breath and tried again.

"Why you dirty, dirty son-of-a-bitch." He spoke into the phone as the voicemail came on and then he hung up. He was beyond livid and had the good mind to go over Mia's house if only he knew where that was. Suddenly he had an idea. He quickly called Avery and then hung up before it could ring.

"Damn, the girl already has you whipped" he muttered to himself as he laid his head down on his steering wheel in defeat.

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