He closed his car door up and leaned back up against his car.

"Humor me." He told her.

"Well, I wouldn't have sex with you right away."

"No shit…" He said rolling his arms and crossing his legs. Mia held back on her giggles that were erupting inside of her. He was kind of cute when he was frustrated like this.

"Hey, you've been with a lot of women and HIV is real. You need to get the test and then we would wait."

"Wait…" Jayden acted like she had just said something offensive to him… "I always use protection." He proudly proclaimed trying to convince her that it was okay.

"Yes, I heard that you owned a big condom factory in China." Mia mocked. This time the giggles broke through and her laughter was apparent.

"Ha-ha…" Jayden rolled his eyes although he found himself chuckling along with her.

"How long" he reluctantly asked making Mia smile.

"Six months… but you'll have to remain abstinence during that time. Then you'll have to be retested. After that you meet my father."

"What! Six months… no sex and meet your father!" Jayden was outraged at her proposition and his demeanor showed it.

"Damn that must be some rip-riding-lip-smacking-snacking sweetmeat you got between them legs… I'm just talking about giving up a lil' pussy; damn girl you act like I'm making a marriage proposal. What the hell is this" Jayden protested. Her demands were too high and then to add insult to injury she wanted him to meet her father. That's when the words of his mother Marla Townsend came to mind, 'Hell-to-the-N-O-I-won't-go.'

"Okay, I guess that's an affirmative no." She answered for him as she turned around walking away. Jayden watched while rolling his eyes. He couldn't believe that he was actually considering her proposition.

"How and when the hell did I walk into this trap," he asked himself as he got into his car starting it up and driving off.

* * * * * * * *

Jayden pulled his car into the Softbox parking lot. It was pack as per its usual from seeing it the times that he had driven by. He didn't know why he was here; he actually loathe strip bars but right now he was in such a fix that he just needed to smell some pussy and maybe just get an undercover hand job. What the hell was wrong with Mia, he found himself wondering as he made his way up to the entrance of the club paying his cover charge. He hadn't even bothered asking Avery to come tonight. He already knew what his answer would be: 'man if Nita even thought I was in a strip bar…' Damn that Nita had him broke. He wondered if his friend still had a pair of balls. Maybe he should have asked Avery for a blow job considering what a pussy he had become since hooking up with Nita. He shuddered at the thought. The very idea of allowing a man to touch him like that was utterly repulsive making him feel nauseous.

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