Maybe he should rethink his position on keeping a few female contacts on standby he wondered as he gave his directory another once over. Then he remembered the embrace that Mia had given him. That had been really nice. It comforted and penetrated his soul and spirit like nothing ever before. He almost felt whole; like a man worthy of being loved. It would be nice to have someone on standby that would give him a hug every-now-and-then; but that might require that he got to know them a little better. Just as quickly as he thought it, he soon dismissed it. He still wasn't willing to risk having an accident waiting to happen.

"Damn." He cursed as he leaned against the door of his car.

"Jayden…" He heard the soft feminine voice calling his name. Could there be a chance he wondered as he watched Mia approaching him.

"What's up?" He asked as she caught up standing in front of him now. He looked her up and down eye fucking her and debating if he should ask for the play again.

"Are you okay?" She asked. She knew how upset he was from earlier today and even though he eventually perked up, she knew that he was good at hiding his emotions.

"I want some pity pussy… Interested?" He stated. He knew that he had said it raw but he was testing her and trying to scare her off at the same time. Since it was obvious that she wasn't giving it up, he was hoping that she would get tired of his crudeness and quit searching him out.

"Will that fix your problems?"

"It can't hurt. Is that an offer?"

Mia couldn't hold by the heavy sigh that unburdened itself from her lungs as she folded her arms across her chest.

"So every time you get pissed off, upset this is how you deal with life's little disappointments? You go looking for a piece of fresh ass… Is that the way you kiss the boo-boo?" She said trying to guilt him into not doing this.

"Personally I would rather have you kissing the boo-boo, if you know what I mean." He said as he abruptly got off of his car and turned to get inside of it. He figured this conversation was going nowhere. His fingertips slightly brushed against the door latch and then abruptly stopped.

"And if I decide to give you this so called pity pussy, will it put a stop to your whorish ways?" Copyright 2016 - 2024