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Jayden turned off the expressway and stopped at the traffic light.

"Any kind of weather… Like sunshine…" He sang along with the catchy tune on the radio tapping his finger against the steering wheel. A broad grin was plastered on his face as he looked around his surroundings bobbing his head to the music. That delivery girl really did know how to deliver he thought as he replayed the head job she had given him in the motel room less than an hour ago. He was almost sorry for not taking her name and number. He definitely wouldn't have minded an instant replay on her performance. Honk-honk, a car horn blew from behind him and he looked up nodding his head and waving his hand.

"I'm moving…I'm moving…" He muttered as he made his left turn onto the street off the expressway ramp. He looked at the clock in the dashboard of his car; it was almost 6 o'clock in the morning. He had just enough time to go home catch a few z's, shower and then open up his store at ten a.m. sharp.

"What in the world?" Abruptly he pulled his car over to a nearby parking lot and brought it to a complete stop. He turned off the engine and observed. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"What in the hell is he doing?" He mumbled under his breath as he watched curiously the man still dressed in his pajamas and wearing bedroom slippers.

"Does he know it's like forty degrees out here…" he asked himself thinking the man had to be cold dressed in his pajamas and slippers without a jacket on. More importantly, he couldn't understand why Mr. Ellis was walking aimlessly though the streets this time of morning and dressed in PJs. Honk-honk-honk-honk-honk-the cars blew as they maneuvered around attempting to avoid a traffic accident with the man wandering around in the middle of the busy intersection.

"Damnit… Watch the hell out!" Jayden found himself yelling and before he knew it, he had opened the car door and had taken off running after the man who was nearly hit by the oncoming traffic. Somehow he managed to make it safely to the median in the middle of the busy roadway. Bobbing and weaving with raised hands while nodding his head apologetically and mouthing 'thank you' to the polite people who voluntarily stopped allowing him to make it to the street median safely to the elderly man who stood there confused and disoriented.

"Mr. Ellis?" Jayden spoke and Jacob turned at hearing his name.

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