"You… each time he bumps into you, he slips in another play; and every play he gets pushed back to the starting line; again and again. You don't become one of the faceless and nameless women out there; you become someone real in his eyes; a factor in his life. He's never quite seen women as real beings before. And mothers don't count… That's a whole 'nother story inside his mind. Like I said, at some point in time, a man has to decide what he wants in life and the value of another person in his life… Your everyday presence in his life is making him rethink your value in his life; but until then- you can't just keep sitting around here hoping to get notice by him. Meanwhile, quit sitting on the sideline acting like you're a jilted lover; Jayden doesn't owe you anything and for damn sure your happiness can't revolve around him or some other man. Get a life and find your own interest. Build your own world and be happy by yourself first."

"Alright Dr. Phil, you better be right."

"Eh… If I'm not at least it didn't cost you nothing but a lonely and virginal death." Nita teased and both ladies howled in laughter as they finished enjoying their pizzas.

* * * * * * * *

Jacob sat at the foot of his twin-sized bed staring blankly outside the window. He was wondering when Louise and the children would get here. They were late and he was worried that something had happened to them. He leaned over a bit to look right and then left to see if he could see them coming. He saw nothing. Outside was growing dark and he was wondering if they would be okay walking from the train station alone. He suddenly stood up. He had to go and meet them. He had to make sure that they were safe.

He walked past the other bed that was closest to the door and that was separated with his own bed by a nightstand. Looking over at the occupant, he twisted his face in a confused frown from not recognizing who that person was. He then looked at the bed that he was previously occupying and wondered why it was taking momma so long to come back. Her tests usually didn't take this long. He scratched at his head as he walked out of the door entering the long corridor.

"Hospital?" He muttered to himself as he watched all of the nursing staff busying about as the sick people were walking or rolling around in wheelchairs. Then he remembered again. He was visiting his mom at the nursing home and she must have gone out for some tests. Well he decided that he would go out and look around for his wife and children and he was sure that he would return to finish his visit with his mother before she had come back from her testing. He started a slow gait towards the entrance and exit that was just straight ahead of him.

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