"Damn so I guess it's been a while since you've got some? Mad black woman syndrome…" He accused trying to wound her pride and make her feel less than herself. She pushed herself off of him and broke free.

"You know you just sound like just another typical simple minded brother who can only see black women as angry, bitter and depressed. But have you ever thought about maybe us sisters are just tired of having to settle for less than your best and living our lives hoping and a praying that one day you'll recognize us for our worth or that one day you'll get your shit together and be the kind of man that a real woman would be proud to take home and introduce to her family?" She abruptly walked off leaving him alone to think.

Mia's words hit home and suddenly he heard his friend Avery's words shouting in his head: "Your mom is a rare find man. Wonder why some brother hasn't snagged her up already?" Suddenly he could see in Mia his own mother and he became embarrassed by his actions. Was that why his mom had remained single? Had she heard the same old weak, corny lines and lies by men and grew tired of the bullshit? Is this what it was like for black women; having to listen to B.S. like this from men who were only interested in satisfying their basal nature but not giving nothing in return? Immediately he got up running after Mia. He caught up to her halfway across the other side of her store in the book section. He grabbed her arm halting her steps.

"Sorry… I'm really sorry about how I've been treating you. No disrespect intended and I sincerely hope that if I haven't made you uncomfortable to be around me; I would really like it if you could continue to teach me how to beat the drums."

Finally, Mia thought. Finally the man had humbled himself down finding his manhood enough to approach her like a grown man and not some sex-starved teenage boy. Finally they might even get to interact as a man and woman; not as a woman and boy.

Jayden was surprised again for the second time since meeting her. How was it possible that this accident waiting to happen had made him want to bump up his game? How had she made him wanted to change the way he talked, dealt with and approached women? How had she gotten under his skin like no other woman had done before other than his mother? He knew it; he should have followed his first mind when he had first met her: run far, far away. However for some reason, running no longer seemed like a viable option. He was looking forward to having his first accident.

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