"Yup… and according to Avery his father lived in a fancy big house like a mansion, he is a well to do attorney, sent his children to Ivy League universities and barely sent less than a hundred dollars a month to his mother in child support. Then one day around his sixteenth birthday the payments stopped and they never heard from him again until Jayden and his mom got into it really bad fight.

"What happened?" Mia was all ears as she poured another drink and took liberal sips of it having to pour herself another glass. Nita yawned as she too was getting sleepy and it was now past one in the morning.

"Something about him and Avery sneaking out going to a party and Jayden was going to leave home. He called his father and asked if he could live with him and the man told him he didn't have room for him. I think Avery feels sorry for him and that's why he was trying to hook him up with someone like you. But girl I've got to go to bed I'm too sleepy." Nita hastily said yawning as she got up walking away.

"If you're too drunk to drive, make yourself a pallet on the floor and sleep over there… I'll see you in the morning." Nita was already closing the door to her bedroom and didn't bother waiting for a reply.

Mia grabbed her half finished bottle of wine and walked back over to the sofa where Jayden lay snoring off his alcohol. She couldn't help but feeling elated that he had returned albeit drunk as a skunk; but at least he wasn't out whoring around. She sat on the floor beside the sofa watching him sleep. He was definitely an attractive dark skin man. He reminded her a little of Tyrese Gibson and Michael Jordan if she had to describe his features. He had a prominent nose with thick bushy but neatly arched eyebrows that complimented his full lips and broad face. He had a nice fade haircut and his line was always straight without those funky designs that a lot of men sported. She also liked the fact that he hadn't littered his body with useless profane and offensive tattoos nor did he have any outwardly seen piercing. Abruptly she eyed his pants while her right eyebrow lifted up.

"Naa…. He wouldn't… Would he?" she muttered as she took a sip of wine straight from the mouth of the bottle. She then found herself edging downward to the waistband of his pants and trying to peer down into them.

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