"Girl I know… But remember Jayden has access to nothing but women who are giving it up with no requirements. He's not going to appreciate you. And as long as we women keep letting these greasy-ass dudes slip and slide in and out of our lives with no responsibility or accountability they are going to continue to do it. Why should they change when they don't have to?" Mia got up and walked around the table.

"Girl I know you're right… but still." Mia said insecurely.

"But still if you had given him some at least he would be with you…"

"Something like that…" Mia agreed.

"Yea all of twenty minutes until his next conquest." Nita said as she got up and went to her friend giving her a hug.

"Easy for you to say… You've got a man." Mia barked and Nita smiled.

"Hey don't be mad at me… Look if you think so little of yourself go ahead; break Jayden off a lil' something-something… But then don't be like the rest of the females whining and crying that men don't respect them. You have to teach them how to treat you. Like my mom always told me, don't start any bad habits that you don't plan on keeping."

"Yea but respect doesn't get you taken out on dates… And damn girl I feel like I'm the only one saving myself and for what? Besides Nita how many times do I have to be the third wheel on yours and Avery's dates?" She questioned.

"Yea for real… Avery is a lil' tired of that shit girl…"

"For real Nita? Did Avery say something?" Mia whirled around horrified that he had said something about her always tagging along.

"Well… I wasn't going to say anything but since you brought it up…" Nita eased out the truth and Mia was wracked with guilt as she thought about all the times she had crashed their dates.

"Tell me the truth… Was meeting Jayden yours or his idea?" She cornered her friend and Nita broke eye contact as she struggled to escape her.

"For real? Ah man…" Mia covered her mouth as she gasped in shock. She had become one of those persons - a third wheel.

"Do you really think I would have tried to hook one of my dearest friends up with a manwhore?"

"Oh God, is my life really this pitiful? Maybe I should have given him that pity sex…" She reasserted kicking herself.

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