"Damn how long you're going to be singing that song again?" Avery said a little annoyed that everything that Jayden did always centered round "not" being like his father.

"I'm just saying man… It's for real. The only way to live my life is by doing everything the complete opposite of him. That means no long term relationship with a woman; and no babies… Can't be whipped like my Pops… I can't do it man… just can't let a piece of pussy turn me into a bitch… Can't be whipped."

"You need help man… I mean serious help." Avery asserted as he reached back grabbing the button that released his seat into the recliner position. He then leaned back into the chair as Jayden drove back home.

"But still, it was real nice having our first time together." Avery said in the quiet before drifting off to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

"I'm sorry…" Dr. Allen quietly said across the office from behind his desk. His look was solemn and it was hard for him to make eye contact Jacob noted. His hands slightly shook as he held them loosely clasped together, then he reached and grabbed his cup of warm tea; taking a small sip and swallowing before he continued.

"The cancer has spread way too fast."

The silence was deafening and his words seemed to echo inside of Jacob's head.

"So how much time do I have?" Louise asked in a raspy voice.

"Louise don't…" Jacob's voice was choked with emotions as he reprimanded her for accepting it. He couldn't have her giving up; not now and not like this.

"Jacob…" She gently took his hand in hers. "The best thing to do is to prepare the children." She quietly argued. It was over she admitted to herself. She was tired and just didn't have the energy to fight anymore. Right now she just wanted and needed it to all be over. She wouldn't survive another round of chemo-therapy nor did she want to. Just thinking about the hardships she had endured over the past year made her shiver in fear.

"Louise no." Jacob said adamantly choking on his emotions. His eyes were red from the tears that he was restraining. How could he live life without this woman? How could he go on alone?

"At best six months maybe a year… The cancer has already metastasized to the brain. In my personal opinion you'll never survive another round of chemo." He told her and Louise found herself nodding in agreement to his words.

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