I was rooting for Cripsin. I was rooting for anyone that didn’t live in my world. I think deep down, I knew that I would have to leave Millie some day, in one way or another, and when I did, I didn’t want to leave her on her own.

‘How’s it going with good old Crispin anyway?’ I had been spending so much time worrying about myself that I hadn’t given her half enough opportunity to talk about herself – or let her gush about her love life.

Millie beamed at me. ‘I’m pretty sure he’s in love with me.’

‘No way,’ I said, stifling a squeal, the inner romantic in me alive and well. ‘How do you know? What did he say? When did he say it? Start from the beginning. Leave nothing out.’

She glanced away, as if checking for possible eavesdroppers. There was a thirty-yard radius around us, care of my infamy. ‘OK, so basically, the other night, we were watching Ghost at my house, you know that movie with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore when they were both at peak hotness?’

‘Of course.’

‘So, we were on the couch and Cris had his arm around me and I was lying back against his chest, and we were watching that scene where they get all sultry with the clay while ‘Unchained Melody’ plays in the background, and I was saying how Ghost did for pottery what Benedict Cumberbatch did for Sherlock Holmes. Made it sexy, you know? Anyways, next thing I know, he’s stroking my hair, right … and then … he kissed me on the head! Like he just leant down and kissed the top of my head.’

She was practically jumping up and down in her seat.

‘Um … what?’ I said.

She pointed to the crown of her head, where her parting split her long hair evenly. ‘He kissed me here. On the head.’

‘He kissed you the way a parent kisses a newborn baby? He kissed you … like, paternally?’

‘Oh, Jesus, Sophie.’

‘What? I don’t understand! Your rants are always so vague. I feel like I need CliffsNotes.’

She placed her palms on her knees and drew in a deep breath. ‘Have I never told you this theory of mine?’

‘Oh, I love your theories,’ I said, leaning back in my seat and getting comfortable. ‘Please. Proceed.’

She smirked at me. ‘I have long been convinced that when a boy kisses you on the head – not in a sexual way or a hint-hint-I-want-to-have-sex-now way – just tenderly, like in a way that comes naturally to him, almost like a reflex, it means he has crossed over the threshold of “like” or “lust” and has fallen in love with you. Sometimes they don’t even realize it. It’s like their body and their reactions understand it first and then their brain gets it a while later. But mark my words, it is a sign.’

I was trying my hardest not to smirk.

‘A kiss for the sake of a kiss, and nothing else,’ she said. ‘I’m telling you, it’s a sign.’

‘Where did this theory come from?’

‘My mum,’ said Millie. ‘About two months after she started seeing my dad, they were standing outside the cinema and it was freezing cold. He had his arms around her and she was hugging him back, trying to steal his body heat, and they were laughing about something in the movie they’d seen, and he just leant down and kissed her on the head, and she said that’s when she knew.’

‘Knew that she was in love with him?’

‘No!’ Millie scoffed. ‘That he was in love with her. Have you seen my mum? She’s way hotter than my dad. He had to play the personality game to get her. It was a longer process.’

‘Uh-huh …’ I said, coming around to the idea. I had never really experienced it, so I supposed I couldn’t say for certain whether it was bull or not. Even though it did sound pretty suspect. I could, however, believe that a boy was madly in love with her. That part on its own was easy. ‘So, Crispin loves you, then?’

She nodded, her hair curtaining either side of her face. ‘I could just feel it.’

‘Well, that’s cool,’ I said, grinning at her. ‘And I’m not surprised, either.’

‘He’ll probably say it at the dance. I don’t know what I’m going to say back yet.’

‘Do you love him back?’ I asked.

Millie shook her head. ‘Nah, not yet.’

‘You could pull a Han Solo, and say “I know” when he tells you.’

‘Your nerdy sci-fi knowledge notwithstanding, Soph, that is actually not such a terrible idea.’

‘Yes, it is!’ I said, alarmed. ‘Don’t say “I know”. That’s so mean! I was kidding!’

‘I’ll think of something,’ she assured me. ‘Anyway, returning to my earlier point. You don’t need to worry about some poxy Falcone curfew barricading you in your princess tower. Cris and I will just come and get you tomorrow evening, and we’ll all go together. You can have your Cinderella moment. I will make sure of it.’

‘Thanks,’ I said, in earnest. ‘I think I’ll make a rather dashing third wheel.’

‘You’ll be the sexiest third wheel in the history of Cedar Hill High. And if you’re feeling uncomfortable, just say the word and we can ditch Cris, because as I’ve always said, Soph, you’re my real true love.’ She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. ‘There’s no love as real as that of a girl and her best friend.’

‘Damn straight,’ I agreed. ‘I love you, Mil.’

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