He came to offer his services "under the sad circumstances." Emma

answered that she thought she could do without. The shopkeeper was not

to be beaten.

"I beg your pardon," he said, "but I should like to have a private talk

with you." Then in a low voice, "It's about that affair--you know."

Charles crimsoned to his ears. "Oh, yes! certainly." And in his

confusion, turning to his wife, "Couldn't you, my darling?"

She seemed to understand him, for she rose; and Charles said to his

mother, "It is nothing particular. No doubt, some household trifle." He

did not want her to know the story of the bill, fearing her reproaches.

As soon as they were alone, Monsieur Lheureux in sufficiently clear

terms began to congratulate Emma on the inheritance, then to talk of

indifferent matters, of the espaliers, of the harvest, and of his own

health, which was always so-so, always having ups and downs. In fact, he

had to work devilish hard, although he didn't make enough, in spite of

all people said, to find butter for his bread.

Emma let him talk on. She had bored herself so prodigiously the last two


"And so you're quite well again?" he went on. "Ma foi! I saw your

husband in a sad state. He's a good fellow, though we did have a little


She asked what misunderstanding, for Charles had said nothing of the

dispute about the goods supplied to her.

"Why, you know well enough," cried Lheureux. "It was about your little

fancies--the travelling trunks."

He had drawn his hat over his eyes, and, with his hands behind his

back, smiling and whistling, he looked straight at her in an unbearable

manner. Did he suspect anything?

She was lost in all kinds of apprehensions. At last, however, he went

on-"We made it up, all the same, and I've come again to propose another


This was to renew the bill Bovary had signed. The doctor, of course,

would do as he pleased; he was not to trouble himself, especially just

now, when he would have a lot of worry. "And he would do better to give

it over to someone else--to you, for example. With a power of attorney

it could be easily managed, and then we (you and I) would have our

little business transactions together."

She did not understand. He was silent. Then, passing to his trade,

Lheureux declared that madame must require something. He would send her

a black barege, twelve yards, just enough to make a gown.

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