Luther looked at Isabelle. “Do you recognize him?”

Shivering visibly, Isabelle nodded. “That’s him.”

Eddie swiveled in his chair. “No boats registered in Norris’s name. Sorry.”

Luther cursed. Nonetheless, he knew his hunch was correct. Norris was going to take Katie on a boat.

Somebody stormed into the room. Luther spun around. It was Wesley.

“I’ve got an approximate location, but she’s still moving.”

“Where?” Luther asked frantically.

“On Bryant Street, driving toward the water.”

“He’s heading for the marina. Let’s go. We’ve gotta reach him before he can leave with the boat.” He looked at Samson. “Can we take the helicopter?”

With a regretful sigh Samson shook his head. “The pilot already parked it in the hanger in South San Francisco. We don’t have time to bring it back.”

“I’m parked out front,” Wesley said, already running toward the elevator. “Let’s go.”

Luther followed him, his heart racing. He had to get to Katie before it was too late. He owed her that. She’d trusted him to keep her safe. And not only that: he needed her to be safe. He needed Katie to be alive and happy. He regretted now not having told her how he felt. Regretted having been a coward and not having confessed that without her he was nothing, just an empty shell, because she had crept into his heart and made herself at home there, without him even noticing at first. But once he’d realized it, he’d done nothing to push her away. Instead he’d started craving that feeling she gave him, the feeling of being worthy of love. Katie’s love.

“I’m coming with you,” Blake called after him, then barked more orders to his team. “Check who’s on patrol in that area and send them to the marina at South Beach Park. Then alert our contact at the Coast Guard. And have weapons ready for us in the lobby.”

The elevator doors parted and Wes stepped in. Luther was on his heels. Blake came running and jumped in just before the doors closed.

All three exchanged concerned looks.

“Can’t you put a protection spell on Katie?” Blake asked Wesley.

Katie’s brother shook his head. “Takes too long. I don’t have all the things here that I need for that. We don’t have that kind of time.” Wes hit his hand against the wall. “I shouldn’t have left her alone.”

Blake grunted. “You couldn’t know.”

“He fooled us all,” Luther said. “But I swear, Norris isn’t gonna get away with this. He’s not gonna take Katie away from me.”

When Blake and Wes stared at him in surprise, Luther realized what he’d said. But he didn’t back down from it now. He wasn’t going to deny any longer that his heart belonged to Katie.

“I’ll kill him.”

The elevator stopped and they exited on the lobby level. A vampire was waiting for them, handing them a bag. “Your weapons.”

Blake took the bag. “Thanks, Rob.”

Luther charged out the door ahead of the other two. He looked over his shoulder at Wes. “Which car?”

Wes pointed to a BMW, clicking his key simultaneously. The lights of a black BMW seven series blinked. “Hop in.”

Luther marched toward the car, when two vampires stepped in his path.

“Luther West,” one of them addressed him. “You’re under arrest.”

The other stranger jumped behind him, slammed him over the hood of the BMW, and cuffed his hands behind his back so fast Luther could barely comprehend what was happening to him.

“Shit!” he cursed. “Let go of me!”

“What’s going on here?” Blake interrupted.

Luther twisted his head to the side. “Tell these idiots to let me go. I need to get to Katie.” He pushed back, trying to get the vampire who’d cuffed him off his back, but the guy was of massive proportions. He knew exactly who these two were: trackers sent by the council to apprehend him.

“Stop struggling, West! Let’s go!”

The other tracker addressed Blake, flashing him a badge. “We’re from the council. Enforcement Division.” He jerked his thumb in Luther’s direction. “West broke into the prison and assaulted several guards. We’re taking him back to charge him.”

“You can’t do that!” Blake protested. “We’re in the middle of a rescue operation. A woman will die if you don’t let him go.”

“Nice try,” the vampire said. Copyright 2016 - 2024