A computer blipped and they saw the newly installed elevator sensor was activated meaning someone had just stepped into the booth and according to the readout was heading to the top floor.

"Get on your car phone and call the police. Let them know someone's broken into the building and they have a weapon," Ethan said heading out the door. "I'm taking the steps up to the seventh floor, but the signals not good up there so come after you finish the call." He didn't even wait for Parker to speak again before he ran out the door and headed for the front of the building.

#### Her heart was racing as the elevator inched closer to the seventh floor. The doors opened to a dimly lit hallway, but candles were placed on the floor in a trail leading to a back unfinished large space that curved around. She called out Ethan's name, but no one answered.

Before going around the corner, she paused thinking maybe this was a bad idea. Her senses were jumping about like crazy, telling her something wasn't right, yet when she heard the soft music start to play, she told herself that it was just her own self doubt talking to her and that he would make everything alright, he always did.

Coming around the corner, her eyes widened as millions of candles illuminated the entire space. Her heart soared and at that point she knew she loved Ethan.

A click behind her gave her a start, but she composed herself and slowly turned around to face the love of her life.

#### The door to the staircase was locked and the main elevator didn't come back down. According to the illuminated sign above the elevator's doorway the car stayed on the seventh floor.

Ethan had to go around the long way to the service elevator that was still down in the basement and not working yet. After prying open the doors, he began to climb up the ladder hoping when he got to the top he could remember how to jimmy open the switch from the inside like someone had shown him so long ago.

#### Marvin pointed the gun straight at her chest five feet away from her looking as if death had walked all over him, but forgot to take him away. "You stupid bitch," he sneered. "Did you think you could take my money and not pay for what you did?"

"It wasn't yours," she barely whispered.

"Shut up!!" he screamed shaking the gun.

Nicole stiffened very afraid to take her eyes off of the barrel aimed at her.

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