He watched as she ran away into the darkness and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He wanted to pound his head against the door and curse for losing his cool. Who was in control of what he did not know. On one hand she was driving him crazy with her sexuality and he was tearing her apart with his wantonness for her. There was no doubt in his mind she wanted him, but as she said there was too much responsibility on her hands to involve herself.

He'd heard the rumors in the nearby bars that Marvin was tough and lots of guys talked about trying to get in her pants. One man even spoke about hearing Marvin saying he planned on getting in those panties first. They way they spoke about her, one would think this girl was a virgin but the way she acted to him was definitely a different story. He refused to believe an almost twenty beautiful smart girl like that would allow her uncle by marriage have so much control over her life now especially now that she was not even a minor. Yet, the men at the bar, men who had gone to school with her told rattled on about stories of Marvin threatening to cut off family jewels if he found out anyone of them had touched his niece.

When Ethan had seen them interact in the Laundromat before he had made his presence known to her, Marvin had been very rough on her and once he had even dragged her in the back and a lot of screaming and hollering from the both of them had in sued. When Marvin had left from there, she hadn't come back up to the window for a couple of hours and even then he saw redness on her face.

So Marvin probably slapped her around a couple of times. She didn't seem as if she couldn't handle him. If she didn't want to be there why didn't she leave? Was Nanna that important to her than her own life?

Had making her choose between spending time with him and being beside Nanna been wrong on his part? Ethan had to wonder. It didn't matter; his main objective was to destroy his wife, well his ex-wife if he got his way in a month. His lawyers could have the whole thing settled by then and Lynne would be out of his life and destroyed not only financially because she would have to pay for the cost of the proceedings, but she didn't know this yet, she would also be destroyed mentally knowing he had seduced her daughter.

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