"After this you will go to Parker Mills of Advance Laundry Service and work on paying back money he advanced to Marvin for the sale of the Laundromat. This amount I am not sure of."

Nicole gasped. "How do you know this?" she asked.

"Just because Nanna is bedridden child, don't mean she's out of touch. People don't know these walls have ears and I've been it too long not to know what its saying." Nanna held out her hand towards Nicole and Nicole grasped it with her own tightly for support. "Which is why I can't understand you, Nicole."

"Me? There's nothing wrong."

""A woman who sleeps so restless lately through the night means she's got a lot on her mind and heart. Who is he?"

"But you'll tell me all about him tomorrow; child .Now let this old woman get some rest."

She kissed by grandmother's cheek tenderly. "I love you Nanna."

"And I you, Nicole," she whispered before drifting off to sleep.

Nicole quietly left out the room and sighed to herself. Were her emotions that evident? No, Nanna was always tuned into Nicole and always knew what bothered her.

The doorbell rung to bring her out of her musings. Upon opening the door, she stood in shock at the site of Lynne standing in the doorway.

"Are you going to stand there looking stupid or are you going to let me in?" she snapped at Nicole's stuck on stupid look.

Nicole moved out the way to let her in. This was about the first thing this woman had said to her in her whole life. When she was little she was ignored or sent to her room. For the past three years, Marvin would just send her to the store for cigarettes every Tuesday morning, except today wasn't Tuesday.

Seizing up her, Nicole noted the shortness and skinniness while Nicole had more curves. "Nanna's sleeping."

"I'm not her to see her."

"Marvin's at the Laundromat."

Lynne only ignored her and looked around her in disgust.

A knock on the screen brought a new face. She opened the door to the smiling taxi cab driver. He set down a seven piece Gucci luggage set in front of her, tipped his hat, then jumped back in the cab and drove away.

"Moving?" Nicole asked Lynne now understanding her mother's reasons for being there.

"Don't worry, I won't be here for long, you worthless brat," Lynne sneered.

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