I had a moment of weakness and pulled up Vic’s Instagram, scrolling through his recent posts, all from Dubai where forty-six minutes ago he’d posted a pic of some brunette lying back on a bar with champagne in her belly button, hashtag cheers. I threw my phone back down and flipped channels for another twenty minutes. Called Benta, who sent me to voicemail. Called Cammie, who answered, mid-movie. I whispered an apology, then scrolled through numbers, my list of friends significantly reduced after graduation.

I stopped on Joey Plazen’s name and considered it. Moved on. Made it all the way through the alphabet and back. Then, his sexual sacrifice still fresh on my mind, I texted him.


It took him five minutes to respond—hey

what r u doing?



—I’m on a date. Want to join us?

WHY did you respond if you’re on a date?! I inserted an angry face emoticon.

—shut up and come out with us. No paps in sight.


The polite thing to do would have been to leave Joey and his date alone. My boredom, though, trumped social etiquette. Joey sent me the name of the pub and I threw a leather jacket on over my top, traded my Toms for heels, then grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

My spirits had almost lifted, my steps light, my push on the elevator button cheerful. The doors opened, and Carter stood there, our heads lifting and eyes meeting in awkward and perfect unison.

Almost three weeks since we’d hooked up. Two weeks since I resolved to forget that mistake and return to the world of Successful Men. That plan took a nosedive the moment Carter opened his gorgeous mouth. “Hey.” He smiled and I was done for, my girl parts beginning to pant inside my La Perla panties.


“Going down?” His grin widened, and I laughed.

“Yeah.” I stepped on, my eyes lingering over his dark jeans and worn black V-neck. “Where are you heading?”

“Grabbing something to eat.” He leaned against the side of the elevator and crossed his arms. “You?”

“Just meeting up with some friends.” I fiddled nervously with my phone. “They’re at an oyster bar a few blocks over. If you want, you can join us.” I shrugged, like I didn’t care either way.

He scratched the back of his head. “I don’t want to interrupt a girls’ night or anything…”

I had to laugh at that, the elevator doors opening. “No. Please. You’ll save me from being an awkward third wheel. I was bored, my friend Joey is out on a date, and now I’m about to crash it.” I stepped off the elevator. “You’d be doing me a favor,” I added.

He opened the door for me. “If you’re sure. Is it Kumamoto?”

I nodded. “Yeah, you know it?”

“Yep.” He steered me right and pointed ahead. “This way.”

I followed his lead, stepping over the curb and crossing a side street. While we moved, I pulled out my phone and texted Joey.

I’m bringing someone. Behave.

—ooh, fun. Is she hot?

I rolled my eyes. Yes, he’s super hot.

—I only misbehave with women.

I stuck my phone in my back pocket and smiled over at Carter. “Just wanted to give them the heads up.”

“So we’re good?”

I didn’t know if “good” could ever describe this situation, but it was the only adjective I had. “Yeah. We’re good.” I stepped over a crack, and he moved closer, offering his arm. “Don’t let me forget,” I said. “I have your spare key.”

He looked down. “You ever find your set?”

“No. But I had a copy made of yours, so I’m good.” I smiled up at him. “I’ll hide it so I don’t have to bother you next time.”

“I didn’t exactly mind.”

I blushed, glancing down at my heels. “I should warn you about Joey, my friend we’re meeting.” I rushed into the subject change before it went from slightly awkward to full-out weird. “He’s an actor. Joey Plazen. That’s … that’s who he is. My friend.” I looked up at him nervously, not sure of his reaction. I shouldn’t have mentioned it in advance, should have just casually introduced them like Joey wasn’t the Movie Star of the Century.

“Joey Plazen?” His steps slowed. “That’s who we’re meeting?”

“Yeah. We work together.”

He shrugged. Chuckled a little and kept walking. “Okay.”

I let go of his arm when we got to the place. “Joey says they’re on the back deck,” I murmured to him as we moved through the crowd, which seemed thick for a weekday. I understood why when we got to the deck’s entrance, two security guards blocking the door. “Deck’s closed,” one said curtly.

I glanced down at Joey’s text and inwardly groaned. The password is Sugartits. I rolled my eyes and held up the screen, showing it to the guard.

We were waved through, and wove around and through empty tables, spying Joey before he saw us, his hand on a redhead’s ass, his mouth at her ear and I coughed loudly as we approached. He turned, raising a beer. “Chloe!” he cheered, stepping forward and hugging me. When he turned to Carter, his hand froze, his face tightening, first in recognition, then in anger. “Carter.” He dropped his hand. “You fucking prick.”

My introduction to the redhead stopped, my head turning, and I stared at Joey, then at Carter, in shock.

My eyes darted from Joey to Carter, whose mouth was a tight, straight line. A tight line that broke into a wide grin, and he held out his arms, walking into Joey’s chest and clapping him on the back. Joey shoved him off with a scoff.

“Get off me, man. You move back to New York and drop off the grid. Can’t return a phone call for shit.”

“I had stuff to deal with. You had Hollywood.”

“Wait,” I interrupted their reunion. “How do you guys know each other?”

Carter slid a hand around my waist, his fingers sliding under the bottom hem of my sweater, each digit a sly reach further into my heart, and he pulled me against him. “Fraternity brothers, believe it or not.”

“Phi Iota for life,” Joey mocked, reaching out and slapping palms with Carter.

I watched the exchange, more confused than before. First off, I didn’t even know Carter had gone to college. Second, what were the chances that, in this huge city, they knew each other? “Why didn’t you tell me you knew Joey?” I turned to Carter with an accusatory stare.

The corner of his mouth crooked up and he leaned forward, putting his lips against my ear. “You mean … in our many conversations?” he murmured.

“Talking about me?” Joey drawled and I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not all about you,” I snapped, taking a beer from the counter and taking a sip.

“So … you two know each other.” Joey’s gaze dropped to Carter’s arm around me, then back to my face. His eyes held mischief and he practically beamed at me, the way I looked at Chanel when she performed a new trick. I shifted uncomfortably.

“Yep.” Carter drawled, his fingers running along my skin. “You okay with that, Plazen?”

A waitress appeared with a tray full of beers and Joey snagged two, holding them out to us. “Hey, I’m all about that. Though Chloe, you should know you can do better than this loser.”

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