Ben did. Tried to get up but Dante shook his head, then ran his fingers through Ben’s hair.

And he didn’t move. Ben didn’t fucking move.

“I’m not going to take a pity fuck. Plus, I top. Can’t fuck you if my cock won’t cooperate.”

“And I already told you more than once that we won’t be fucking. I’m getting tired of repeating myself. Take off the sweats.”


“Fuck me. I know. Take off the clothes.”

A war raged in Ben’s head. He didn’t want this man to have power over him. He didn’t want anyone to have power over him. But then, why did the temperature in his body suddenly spike? Why did he get a welcomed hunger deep in his gut and feel desire coursing through him?

“I’ll give you what you need. You want it, and that’s okay.” Dante touched the hollow spot at the base of Ben’s throat. “I see your pulse going wild. See the change in your eyes. This is the last time I’ll say it before I walk away. Take off. Your clothes.”

Dante was right. Damned if he wasn’t right. Ben wanted whatever the man could give him right now, so he sat up, pulled the shirt over his head, and tossed it to the floor.

He felt a deep ache when he flexed his body to pull the sweats from his legs but Ben ignored it. He ignored everything except Dante and what he would want Ben to do next.


“I knew you would be beautiful.” Dante let his finger trail down Ben’s chest, through his chest hair and down his stomach. He didn’t stop when he reached Ben’s cock. Dante ran a finger down that as well, as his prick lay flaccid in a bed of hair.

But he felt it, felt the rush hit his body. Felt the blood start to flow.

Until Dante pulled his hand back. “Pinch your nipples.”

“It’s my dick that needs a hand on it.” He reached for Dante but the dark-skinned man took another step backward, out of Ben’s reach.

“Pinch them. Let me watch you get them hard. I know you like to keep your eyes on me. You watched me at the club. This time, I’m watching you. Grab them both, pinch them, roll them between your fingers.”

Ben did it because he wanted to come so fucking bad. And he wanted Dante to watch him. Wanted to drive him crazy.

Ben squeezed his nipples, tight, almost to the point of pain. Plucked them, rolled them.

It felt good. Felt so fucking good but did nothing to his prick. Jesus, he wanted out of there. Didn’t want someone to know he couldn’t even get it up. But he didn’t leave.

Rolling his head to the side, he looked at Dante. At his muscular chest and his nipples which were hard as well. Dante sat in his chair again and Ben saw the bulge beneath the zipper of his jeans. Dante was hard watching him and Ben wanted to be hard, too.

He eased his right hand down. Grabbed his dick.

“I told you to touch your nipples. Not your cock. Try again, Ben.”

Lust shot through him. Made Ben’s body burn at Dante’s words.

He played with his nipples again, rubbing and tugging and pinching.

“That’s it. You’re fucking beautiful when you do that.”

Ben’s eyes closed and the second they did, he heard the slide of a drawer. He jerked them open to see Dante pull lube from the table beside his bed. He opened it.

Ben’s body got hotter.

Dante stood.

Blood rushed toward his cock.

“Give me your hand,” Dante told him but Ben didn’t want to do that. He wanted Dante to be the one to jerk him off.

“You do it.” Ben’s voice was rough. He didn’t stop playing with his nipples, not sure he could at this point.

“That’s not how this works. I decide what happens.” Dante’s hand covered one of Ben’s. He threaded their fingers together and the touch—that one simple touch unraveled him. He needed more. More sensation. More skin. More heat from someone else’s body.

He opened his mouth to say so but Dante cut him off. “You have to do it.  Give me your hand or I walk out of the room right now.”

He wanted to fight, force, but Dante would leave. Ben didn’t doubt that for a second and he needed this so badly, so he again did as Dante said. Ben held his hand out. Dante squeezed a small amount of lube in his palm.

“Keep going on your nipples with your left hand. Grab your erection with the other hand, Ben. Squeeze it tight. I’m going to watch you fuck your hand.”

His erection? Ben looked down, at his erection, long and thick against his stomach. The swollen head. Pre-come leaking from his slit. Veins pulsing as they ran the length of him. Copyright 2016 - 2024