Betsy hustled in with a tray of drinks. She handed Owen his cup.

"Owen," she said sharply. "What did I tell you? You can't talk to just anybody about stuff like that. Not everyone is child-friendly." She turned to Alexis. "Don't mind him."

Although Alexis bristled at the child-friendly comment, she simply replied, "I don't mind."

Betsy changed the subject without regard for subtlety. "So are you still at a fancy pants law firm?"

"I tend to wear fancy skirts."

"Guess that doesn't leave time for much else," Betsy surmised. "Not that you ever wanted much else."

Alexis cocked an eyebrow. "I think it's fair to say I wanted more out of life than endless paperwork and clients who act like spoiled toddlers."

"Do you have kids?" Betsy's expression brightened momentarily, as though

Alexis's willingness to reproduce would change everything between them.

"No, sorry, I don't have kids."

Betsy moved her gaze straight to Alexis's left hand and Alexis could tell exactly what her sister was thinking. No ring. Guess she's not marriage material either.

"What have you brought me to drink?" Alexis asked, hoping to shift topics.

"I hope you still like tea," said Betsy and handed her a cup.

"I do." She didn't mention her preference for coffee.

"Hard to avoid it, I guess, living in England."

"Where's England?" Owen asked.

Alexis glanced down at him. "A bigger island across the Atlantic Ocean."

Owen's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, the ocean."

"So how's Joe?" she asked Betsy. Joe and Betsy went to high school together so he wasn't completely unknown to Alexis.

"Busy. We're always busy. Joe finally joined the union a while back and that's been good for us."

"My dad's an electrician," Owen said proudly.

"She knows, sweetheart."

Owen crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought you said she didn't know us at


Betsy and Alexis shared an awkward silence.

"How old did you say you are, Owen?" Alexis asked.

"I'm four. I'll be five in August. Supposedly, that's not a good month to be born if you're a boy."


"Because you have to start school right after your birthday and most of the other boys will be bigger and play sports better."

Alexis glanced at Betsy for confirmation. "He's worried about sports?"

"I'm not," he interjected. "I don't like sports."

Alexis immediately warmed to him. "What do you like?"

"Space. Dinosaurs. All kinds of books, but I can't read yet." "He goes to preschool on the days I work," Betsy said.

"They have story time. And lots of toys," Owen said brightly.

"Sounds like a great place," Alexis told him.

Betsy turned the conversation back to her sister. "So Mom says you're here for the holidays. No skiing in the Alps or yachting in France?" Copyright 2016 - 2024