The shrill sound of the house phone pierced the air, jolting Alexis from her sexy daydream. These days she seemed to be having sex with Tyler even when she wasn't actually with him. Now that she'd had him, she couldn't get enough of him.

She jumped up from the couch and the magazine that she'd been pretending to read slid to the floor. When she realized that she was the only one home to answer the phone, she ran to the kitchen and plucked it from its cradle.

"MacAdams' residence," she said, slightly breathless.

"Alexis MacAdams, I'd recognize that voice anywhere," a man's voice thundered.

Alexis knew his as well. Morris, her mother's boss.

"Hello Morris. It's nice to hear your voice. My mother isn't here, though, she's at Lowry's."

"That's okay. I was calling to speak to you, my dear."

"Oh." Alexis couldn't think why. "How can I help you?"

"Would you be available to meet me at Pacho's Café in about half an hour?"

She checked her watch. "Sure."

"Great! I look forward to it." Morris hung up the phone and Alexis stared into the receiver. She had no idea why Morris would want to see her alone, but at least she only had to wait half an hour to find out.

Alexis recognized Morris instantly. Same characterful clothing, much whiter hair albeit worn in the same slicked back style. His thin lips and large gums seemed more noticeable in his golden years. Alexis remembered reading that, as some people aged, certain features became more exaggerated and she decided that Morris certainly fell into that category.

She stood to greet him as he approached the table.

"My dear, sweet Alexis," he said as he enveloped her in his paper-thin arms.

Alexis worried that she'd snap him if she hugged him too hard.

"It's good to see you again, Morris." She sat down and watched uncomfortably as his bony fingers wrapped around the heavy chair and attempted to slide it out. Before she could stand to help, a waiter swooped in and pulled out the chair for him.

"Thank you, Peter," he said.

"No problem, Morris. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Surprise me," he said with a devilish grin. "My companion Alexis will have an iced tea with a slice of lemon."

Alexis nodded in agreement, shocked that Morris would remember her beverage of choice from her teen years. She'd long dispatched of her iced tea habit since the chilly and damp English climate didn't warrant it.

"Let me look at you," Morris declared. After a moment of scrutiny, he announced, "Exactly the same."

"I was going to say the same to you." Copyright 2016 - 2024