"Be careful with those sexy movements," he warned her, "or I may be ready to go again sooner than you think."

"Bring it," she said, squirming just a little to tease him.

Tyler gazed at her with such intensity that Alexis nearly erupted again. She longed to stay like this, to feel the warmth of his skin against hers as he covered her with his own bare body. She was afraid to admit it to herself because she didn't believe it possible, but she knew in her heart it was true. She was in love with Tyler. Truly and deeply in love.

"I love you, Alexis," he whispered, his words echoing her thoughts. His blue eyes remained locked on hers and her thoughts whirled.

Instead of replying in kind, she raised her lips to meet his. Although she was ready to make love again, she wasn't ready to declare it. She'd been through too much heartache. Tyler would need to wait a little longer to hear that he'd finally won her heart.

Later that night, Tyler lay in bed, reliving the glorious moment when he finally took possession of her. A small part of him had worried about whether intimacy with her would live up to the many years of dreams and fantasy, but he needn't have worried. The living, breathing Alexis was so much better than the one on the pedestal in his head. His idealistic dreams paled in comparison to the reality he now faced. Her pale skin, the smattering of freckles across her chest, her fragrant smell. She was more real than she'd ever been and he loved her for it. The thing was, he never imagined her as perfect, he only imagined her as perfect for him. And she was.

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