"Merry Christmas, Dad."

He glanced up at her, uncertain. "Merry Christmas. Betsy's brood will be here soon for brunch. They always come for Christmas brunch and dinner."

The implication seemed to be that Alexis did not.

"Is Mom in the kitchen?" she asked, brushing off his remark. It was Christmas and she was surrounded by family. She would not be baited into any arguments.

"Where else would she be?"

Her father returned his attention to the television, so she hesitantly moved into the kitchen where her mother's arms and legs were flying in a cooking frenzy.

"Grab me that pan, will you, dear?" Alexis dutifully retrieved the pan from the end of the counter and handed it to her mother. "Once they get here, it's action stations.

I try to do as much as I can ahead of time."

"I'll set the table."

"That would be helpful. Thank you."

Alexis began collecting dishes and cutlery for the table.

"I'm making roast beef," Tilly informed her, "but Betsy's bringing a broccoli and cheese quiche. I hope that's okay."

"Perfect, thank you." Alexis was moved by her mother's consideration. If she had refused roast beef as a teen, she was certain her parents would have made her sit at the table until she ate it, however long it took.

"How do you normally spend Christmas?" Tilly asked tentatively.

"I used to spend it with Mark's family."

"This year will be hard for them, then."

"Yes, I suppose so." Alexis knew that the Steamers were spending this Christmas with Mark's aunt and uncle so they wouldn't be alone.

There was a rush of activity at the front door and they realized that Betsy and her clan had arrived. As quick as a flash, Owen materialized in the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!" he said, bouncing up and down with such force that Alexis wondered how many cookies he managed to sneak before breakfast.

Tilly gave him a hurried kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas, dear. Now don't be underfoot."

Owen moved on to Alexis. "Can I help?"

"Sure. Here."

She handed him some forks. He put them on the table and proceeded to make a design with them instead of setting the table. Tilly glanced over.

"Owen, none of your foolishness. Put them by the plates, please."

Owen's small face crumpled. He gathered up the forks and did as he was told.

Alexis leaned over and whispered, "I thought it was a beautiful design."

The little boy beamed at her. They finished the table and Owen took Alexis's hand and dragged her into the family room.

Brian was in the process of picking up each gift and shaking it. He made multiple guesses as to what was inside. Then, in the far corner, he spied a scooter with a big red ribbon on it.

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