His expression changes—his face going soft as his eyes heat.  It’s an expression I’ve never seen from him but always dreamt of.

“I was coming back to you, Em.”

“I know.”  I smile and pull my hand from his grip.

His eyes go wide until he notices that my intent isn’t to pull away.

I reach out weakly and run my fingertips along his stubbled cheek.  “I like this.”

“Do you?”  His lips twitch, and I feel the mood lighten.

“I do.”  I run my fingers along his jaw a few more times before I cup his cheek in my palm, looking deep into his eyes before speaking.  “I love you too,” I whisper.

He jumps in his seat.  Not much though, and if I hadn’t been studying his reaction, I would have missed it.  His eyes search mine for a few beats, the uncertainty clear as day.  I give him the time he needs, preparing myself for if he rejects me.  This is, in a sense, our moment of truth.  His jaw ticks and his deep breathing fills the silence.

I watch his emotions fighting for control, each one playing out in a fascinating display.  The fear.  Struggle to believe.  And the hope that he can.  Them, finally, I see them all clear and the acceptance and love take over.

“My sweet angel,” he finally says on a sob.

I watch his face as he crumbles and the tears start to slowly fall.  “Come here,” I beg.

He looks at me, lying in a bed that is too narrow for him to join, and appears confused, those tears still falling.  I silently signal for him to move forward and he scoots a few inches towards me on his chair.  I motion for him to lean over and he does, his face hovering just over the bed.  I run my hand from his arm, up his shoulder, then around his neck.  His eyes close when my skin makes contact with his, and I pull him towards me until his face is just inches from my own.  Two of his hot tears fall and land on my cheeks.   His eyes instantly drop to them and watch them fall to the bed.

“Kiss me.”  My request brings his eyes—and their heat—back to mine.

When his lips touch mine, I sigh and he takes that in.  There isn’t anything sexual about this kiss.  This is us becoming one—and it’s every bit as beautiful as I knew it would be.

Two officers come by and take my statement.   The whole time, Maddox fumes and growls, and by the time they leave, I’m exhausted.  I sleep through our friends checking on me.  Then I sleep through lunch and dinner.  The doctor comes back early in the evening and takes me to have my casts put on.  At this point, I’ve had enough pain meds flowing through my system that, even though it hurts like a bitch to just move from room to room, I am able to take it.

When we make it back to my room, Maddox is pacing in tight rotations.  His hands are clasped behind his neck as his worry fills the room.  I know he’s having a hard time processing everything that happened, but I don’t want him to feel this way.  He isn’t responsible for what happened—even if a part of me is concerned that he will feel just that.

His eyes snap to the doorway when he hears me and he stands there, giving them space before he’s back at my side again.

“You need to get some sleep,” I remind him—something I’ve been saying for the last few hours.

“I’m good.”

“And I’m not going anywhere.”

Since I’m unwilling to back down and sure that it’s written all over my face, he gives me a tight nod.

The nurse comes in a moment later and checks my vitals before going over my pain and thankfully giving me another dose.  My eyes start to get heavy shortly after she leaves the room.  The dim lighting, now that the sun has gone down, does nothing to help me stay awake.

“Promise me you’ll sleep?” I slur.

“Sure, angel.”

I try to say something else.  Maybe beg him.  But my eyes win and I’m fast asleep seconds later.

The next morning, I’m in a foul mood.  Maddox is pushing himself on empty.  He won’t sleep.  His eyes never leave wherever I am.  I forced him to eat breakfast this morning, all but shoving it in his mouth myself.  His scowl is scaring the staff and I’m about to snap.

“Did the officers tell you what happen with…him?”  I ask after the doctor leaves the room with the promise that discharge paperwork should be done within the hour.

“Yeah.  He’s locked the fuck up,” he snaps.

“Chill your attitude, Maddox Locke.  Don’t make me spank the sass right out of you.”

His eyes widen slightly just a brief second before he throws his head back and his laughter bellows through the room.  I smile at the sound and enjoy this carefree version of him.  Until he stops and hits me with his narrowed eyes—hard and serious.  He moves closer, careful not to jar the bed, but places both hands on either side of my body and leans in.

“Make no mistake, Emmy.  Once I get you home and healed, I’ll be spanking that ass until it’s bright pink and you’re begging for me to make you come.  Then I’m going to eat you until you’re screaming for me to let you come.  When you think you can’t take a second more of just the mere thought of the pleasure that I’m going to give you, only then will I think about giving that to you, but it will most definitely be after I spank the sass out of you.”

He leans back, his ass hitting the chair and his arms crossing over his powerful chest.  I gulp.  I have nothing for that.  No smartass comeback and no witty reply.  Absolutely nothing.

“Jesus Christ, you two could make a nun come.”

My eyes widen in shock and Maddox just shakes his head, a small smile dancing across his lips.  I can’t look—knowing that our moment wasn’t just for us is pretty freaking embarrassing.

“Cat got your tongue, Em?”  Dee laughs.

I turn and watch her push her way past Axel with a shove, followed by a laughing Izzy.

“It was pretty damn hot, girlfriend.”  Izzy laughs, looking over at Maddox with a wink before throwing her hand up.

He acts like he’s annoyed, but I can see the happiness in his eyes.  He shuffles to his feet and slaps his hand against hers.

“How are you feeling?” Beck asks, walking into the room and pulling Dee into his chest.

“Pretty good.  Sore, but the pain meds are way too good for me to complain.”  My joke falls short and they all look at me.  “What?  Do you want me to break in half and cry?  I fought because I had a reason to,” I snap, looking over at Maddox.  “I’m not going to let those jerks have one second of my thoughts.  I’m a fighter.  A survivor.  And you will all do damn well to remember it.”

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