She went down, not easily hiding how much she was

inclined to shrink and tremble; for the appearance of this traveller was

particularly disagreeable to her. She had sat in her quiet corner before

supper imagining what he would have been in the scenes and places within

her experience, until he inspired her with an aversion that made him

little less than terrific. He followed her down with his smiling politeness, followed her in,

and resumed his seat in the best place in the hearth. There with the

wood-fire, which was beginning to burn low, rising and falling upon him

in the dark room, he sat with his legs thrust out to warm, drinking the

hot wine down to the lees, with a monstrous shadow imitating him on the

wall and ceiling.

The tired company had broken up, and all the rest were gone to bed

except the young lady's father, who dozed in his chair by the fire.

The traveller had been at the pains of going a long way up-stairs to his

sleeping-room to fetch his pocket-flask of brandy. He told them so, as

he poured its contents into what was left of the wine, and drank with a

new relish. 'May I ask, sir, if you are on your way to Italy?'

The grey-haired gentleman had roused himself, and was preparing to

withdraw. He answered in the affirmative. 'I also!' said the traveller. 'I shall hope to have the honour

of offering my compliments in fairer scenes, and under softer

circumstances, than on this dismal mountain.'

The gentleman bowed, distantly enough, and said he was obliged to him. 'We poor gentlemen, sir,' said the traveller, pulling his moustache dry

with his hand, for he had dipped it in the wine and brandy; 'we poor

gentlemen do not travel like princes, but the courtesies and graces of

life are precious to us. To your health, sir!' 'Sir, I thank you.'

'To the health of your distinguished family--of the fair ladies, your

daughters!' 'Sir, I thank you again, I wish you good night. My dear, are

our--ha--our people in attendance?' 'They are close by, father.'

'Permit me!' said the traveller, rising and holding the door open, as

the gentleman crossed the room towards it with his arm drawn through his

daughter's. 'Good repose! To the pleasure of seeing you once more! To

to-morrow!' As he kissed his hand, with his best manner and his daintiest smile,

the young lady drew a little nearer to her father, and passed him with a

dread of touching him.

'Humph!' said the insinuating traveller, whose manner shrunk, and whose

voice dropped when he was left alone. 'If they all go to bed, why I must

go. They are in a devil of a hurry. One would think the night would be

long enough, in this freezing silence and solitude, if one went to bed

two hours hence.' Throwing back his head in emptying his glass, he cast his eyes upon the

travellers' book, which lay on the piano, open, with pens and ink beside

it, as if the night's names had been registered when he was absent.

Taking it in his hand, he read these entries. Copyright 2016 - 2024