At last three honest cheers announced that he had passed the gate, and

that the Marshalsea was an orphan. Before they had ceased to ring in the

echoes of the prison walls, the family had got into their carriage, and

the attendant had the steps in his hand.

Then, and not before, 'Good Gracious!' cried Miss Fanny all at once,

'Where's Amy!' Her father had thought she was with her sister. Her sister had thought

she was 'somewhere or other.' They had all trusted to finding her, as

they had always done, quietly in the right place at the right moment.

This going away was perhaps the very first action of their joint lives

that they had got through without her.

A minute might have been consumed in the ascertaining of these points,

when Miss Fanny, who, from her seat in the carriage, commanded the long

narrow passage leading to the Lodge, flushed indignantly. 'Now I do say, Pa,' cried she, 'that this is disgraceful!' 'What is disgraceful, Fanny?'

'I do say,' she repeated, 'this is perfectly infamous! Really almost

enough, even at such a time as this, to make one wish one was dead!

Here is that child Amy, in her ugly old shabby dress, which she was so

obstinate about, Pa, which I over and over again begged and prayed her

to change, and which she over and over again objected to, and promised

to change to-day, saying she wished to wear it as long as ever she

remained in there with you--which was absolutely romantic nonsense of

the lowest kind--here is that child Amy disgracing us to the last moment

and at the last moment, by being carried out in that dress after all.

And by that Mr Clennam too!'

The offence was proved, as she delivered the indictment. Clennam

appeared at the carriage-door, bearing the little insensible figure in

his arms. 'She has been forgotten,' he said, in a tone of pity not free from

reproach. 'I ran up to her room (which Mr Chivery showed me) and found

the door open, and that she had fainted on the floor, dear child.

She appeared to have gone to change her dress, and to have sunk down

overpowered. It may have been the cheering, or it may have happened

sooner. Take care of this poor cold hand, Miss Dorrit. Don't let it


'Thank you, sir,' returned Miss Dorrit, bursting into tears. 'I believe

I know what to do, if you will give me leave. Dear Amy, open your eyes,

that's a love! Oh, Amy, Amy, I really am so vexed and ashamed! Do rouse

yourself, darling! Oh, why are they not driving on! Pray, Pa, do drive

on!' The attendant, getting between Clennam and the carriage-door, with a

sharp 'By your leave, sir!' bundled up the steps, and they drove away Copyright 2016 - 2024