'I declare,' she sobbed, 'I never was so cut up since your mama and my

papa not Doyce and Clennam for this once but give the precious little

thing a cup of tea and make her put it to her lips at least pray Arthur

do, not even Mr F.'s last illness for that was of another kind and gout

is not a child's affection though very painful for all parties and Mr

F. a martyr with his leg upon a rest and the wine trade in itself

inflammatory for they will do it more or less among themselves and who

can wonder, it seems like a dream I am sure to think of nothing at all

this morning and now Mines of money is it really, but you must know my

darling love because you never will be strong enough to tell him all

about it upon teaspoons, mightn't it be even best to try the directions

of my own medical man for though the flavour is anything but agreeable

still I force myself to do it as a prescription and find the benefit,

you'd rather not why no my dear I'd rather not but still I do it as a

duty, everybody will congratulate you some in earnest and some not and

many will congratulate you with all their hearts but none more so I

do assure you from the bottom of my own I do myself though sensible of

blundering and being stupid, and will be judged by Arthur not Doyce and

Clennam for this once so good-bye darling and God bless you and may you

be very happy and excuse the liberty, vowing that the dress shall never

be finished by anybody else but shall be laid by for a keepsake just

as it is and called Little Dorrit though why that strangest of

denominations at any time I never did myself and now I never shall!'

Thus Flora, in taking leave of her favourite. Little Dorrit thanked her,

and embraced her, over and over again; and finally came out of the house

with Clennam, and took coach for the Marshalsea.

It was a strangely unreal ride through the old squalid streets, with a

sensation of being raised out of them into an airy world of wealth

and grandeur. When Arthur told her that she would soon ride in her

own carriage through very different scenes, when all the familiar

experiences would have vanished away, she looked frightened. But when

he substituted her father for herself, and told her how he would ride in

his carriage, and how great and grand he would be, her tears of joy

and innocent pride fell fast. Seeing that the happiness her mind could

realise was all shining upon him, Arthur kept that single figure before

her; and so they rode brightly through the poor streets in the prison

neighbourhood to carry him the great news.

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